Is Victoria Beckham a.k.a. Posh Spice Biracial?!


Is Victoria Beckham a.k.a. Posh Spice Biracial?

I'm just curious because she doesn't really look like she comes from any one background. What is her background? Asian, African, White, ....?

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2 weeks ago
Besides her skin, her nose does look very European either.

I'm surprised that so many people quickly label her as white. Countries like the US and England are quickly becoming very mixed racially.


she's definitely not "pale as hell" as someone said above. She's actually tan as hell.

From what I looked up, she's just simply British. Her maiden name is Adams, so I guess she's English. But it's possible she has more than just that in her background. She does have dark features (dark hair, dark brown eyes)

...If she wasn't famous, I would guess she is part African/Caribbean, not just simply "White/Caucasian".
She really does look ethnic, but I don't know her specific background. What I think is that she is part Mediterranean.

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