Did britney lose custody of her kids?!


Did britney lose custody of her kids?

i have heard a rumour but can anyone comfirm??

Answers: yea she did. she has visitation rights but because of her drug and alcohol use, she was determinded to be a danger to the kids. K fed got custody. I think so I heard it on the radio a couple days ago but it wasnt news just a talk show Yes, she did, and she has only visitation rights. Don't you ever watch or listen to the news? yes its true. saw it in the news yes she did. you can read about it a perezhilton.com i dont like th guy but he talks about her so much you cant miss much. its a sad situation coz she was treating them badly... Yea she did, but she already signed papers to say that her kids could be kept from her. Despite the fact she is obviously very depressed and is suffering from mental illness, she knows in her subconcious she cant look after her kids rite now.

Its such a shame, but when she gets better she'll get em back. In September 2007, the official findings in Spears's custody battle were announced by the court. "Based on the evidence presented, the Court finds that there is a habitual, frequent, and continuous use of controlled substances by Petitioner Spears." She was ordered to undergo random drug and alcohol testings conducted by the court, and also ordered to attend parenting counseling. Spears and Federline continued to share joint custody of their two children on a conditional basis.[120] A few days later, Spears was officially charged with misdemeanor hit-and-run and driving without a license. If convicted, she could face a year in jail.[121] Spears temporarily lost physical custody of her children to her ex-husband, Kevin Federline on October 1. Superior Court Judge Scott M. Gordon prohibited both parties from using corporal punishment against their children.[122] The judge ruled that Federline will take custody of the children on October 3 "until further order of the court".[123] On October 4, a Los Angeles court ruled that Federline will keep full custody of the children. Spears will be granted "conditional visitation", but must be monitored during those visits. Both parents are ordered to appear in court on October 26.[ Temporarily, looks now like she is heading into some type of shared custody with K-Fed by order of the court. ya she did and it's about time Yes, apparently it was because she couldn't provide a valid driver's license (so I hear). yes

she did not even show up to the hearning so the judge gave the kids to k fed. check www.abcnews.com Yes, on the news it stated that the courts gave custody of her children to her x-husband. Yes, watch Entertainment Tonight, or any other show like that. Sure did! With monitor visitation rights. Maybe this will wake her up. Children come first. please tell me your kidding right now. she did... but i dont know how she feels about that... some say that she's cracking up but then paparazzis somehow got a picture of her smiling and laughing the following day when she didn't have her kids anymore... she still shares 50/50 custody w/ k-fed and she can have supervised visitation w/ them

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