Is Judge Judy paid too much?!


Judge Judy just signed a contract guaranteeing she's on the air through 2013. The article says she USED to get $32 million a year and presumes she got the pot sweetened with the new contract. It also says Forbes lists her as showbiz's 13th richest woman.

My question goes to you: Is Judge Judy paid too much?
Just interested in your reactions.
Me? I say "more power to her." And that goes for athletes, musicians, and celebraties as well. I believe their earnings are directly reflected by what people are willing to spend on unnecessary things, like entertainment. Someone is going to make the money. Owners of football teams, for instance, are going to charge as much as they can for tickets and still fill the stadiums. The players...the ones who are actually getting their bodies pummeled every week....ought to get as much of that money as they can.



Judge Judy just signed a contract guaranteeing she's on the air through 2013. The article says she USED to get $32 million a year and presumes she got the pot sweetened with the new contract. It also says Forbes lists her as showbiz's 13th richest woman.

My question goes to you: Is Judge Judy paid too much?
Just interested in your reactions.
Me? I say "more power to her." And that goes for athletes, musicians, and celebraties as well. I believe their earnings are directly reflected by what people are willing to spend on unnecessary things, like entertainment. Someone is going to make the money. Owners of football teams, for instance, are going to charge as much as they can for tickets and still fill the stadiums. The players...the ones who are actually getting their bodies pummeled every week....ought to get as much of that money as they can.


I think it's nobody's business what the next person is paid.

yes wayyy too much, i like Judge Milian better =)

I say she is getting payed way too much! It doesn't take rocket science to figure out if someone is a good judge or not. Anybody can be a judge!

honestly she's not that important to be getting paid that much money. It's absurd.

If someone wants to pay her that much, they must believe she is worth it. It's not your decision to make.

Hell ya. No one else gets paid to be a *****.

yeah 32 mil to be a b*tchy judge? jeesh. give 20 tousand an episode and be done with it. thats almost a million a year how much could she need.

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