Friendship Problems... please help! I am crying!?!

Question: Friendship Problems!.!.!. please help! I am crying!!?
OK so I have these 2 best friends and one of them is sort of annoying and sometimes mean, but somehow I always come back to her!. She gets mad a lot and lies about a lot of stuff!. She and my other friend got mad at me and we got into this HUGE fight!. Now were friends again, but I'm feeling REALLY left out cuz they just had a sleep over without me!. I really like my other BFF!.!.!. because she isn't mean at all, while the first one is!. I feel left out a lot, and i really sometimes wish that it was only me and my nice BFF, not the mean one!. I sometimes can't stand my mean one!. Seriously, I wish she were dead, but she means well!. HELP!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Maybe you should talk to your nice best friend about this!.
Tell her how you feel!.
If that doesn't work, why don't you try talking to the mean one!.
If that doesn't work!.!.!.get new friends
There are plenty of fishes in the sea!.
You'll make new friends!.

Well, with summer break, put some distance (fewer calls, don't hang out) between you and the bad friend!. Maybe by the time school starts again, she'll have moved on to someone else to be mean to!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

tell her how she makes you feel!. and remember, she can't make you feel inferior without your consent!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Bitches are wierd, she aint ur bff if you hate her dumbassWww@Enter-QA@Com

you better be careful about what you wish for!.!.something bad could happen and then you will feel like crap!.!.if I was you I would just stop hanging out with herWww@Enter-QA@Com

I've had two sets of a threesome best friendship thing going on for two diff skewls!.!.!.!.
At my old skewl, it was me and my friend emily who i met in pre-skewl!.!.!. and then my second bff catherine came in 2nd grade!. emily always went and hung out with other ppl and became their bffs for a while but cathy was always there for me!.!.!. but then in 5th grade i left, and came back in 6th grade and they were closer and i always felt left out!.!.!. but eventually we got our friendship back though it wasnt as close as before!.!.!. thats why u shouldnt be too clingy to friends, because u never know what will happen!.!.!. talk to them about how u feel and if the mean one doesnt listen then shes not being a good friend!.!. and obviously if u wish she would die, shes not ur best friend is she!? if they continue to ditch u, then find urself new friends to hang out with, because true bffs dont do that to each other!.!.!. just sit down and have a talk with them!.!.!. or u could do the bad thing and call the mean one out and tell her to stop being such a ***** and cuss her out if shes mean to u, which is what i would do, but i wouldnt recommend that to u!.!.!.!. if she continues to be mean, tell her what u think and if she doesnt wanna hear it, then just stop being her friend!.!.!.!.
make sure u talk to lots of other ppl and start hanging out with more people and get closer to them, so that if u lose two friends, u will be surrounded by much more ppl who care about u!.
i hope this helps!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Try to talk to her!. Tell her ( your mean friend ) that you think she's acting mean and mabye she'll changed and if it doesn't work you can either stay her friend or if your tired of her being mean just tell her you don't want to be bffs anymore!.I have a friend just like that but worse she bosses me around If i don't hear her the first time she says something she gets mad and says "Forget it!." in a mean way!.And I'm think i'm going to talk to her later cross your fingers !.!.!. hope she doesn't get mad!.But before her i had another mean freind and i talked to her and she changed!.Became nicerWww@Enter-QA@Com

Oh i have the same problem with my 2 closest cousins!.
we've been together for life but I always feel left out around them!. That's always the thing with 3 friends isn't it!?
So from experience, I'd have to say there's nothing really left to do!. It's a tough situation to be in, but I think the best thing is to just try not to let it get to you or find someone else!. Don't think about it too much, and just have fun when your with them, ignore their closeness or that mean one's meanness!.

yeah!.!. my answer's really not that helpful, but good luck anyway =)Www@Enter-QA@Com

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