Ladies: what are your favourite excuses to use to get out of making love?!


Ladies: what are your favourite excuses to use to get out of making love?

And men, what are the ones you get told most often? Personally, if I hear "I'm tired, I have to get up early tomorrow" again, I think I'll scream.

This poor excuse of a question has been brought to you courtesy of Jack


The alarm goes off.... stillness.... ("maybe I can find a use 4 this wood" I think to myself) ... I raise an eyebrow and open one eye ..... more stillness... I shift one hand and gently brush her thigh ..... once .....

The Stillness is disturbed, sheets fly back ... "Oh my goodness, I forgot...... I have to go and wake Cameron up he starts school early this morning".

This response works like cruise control in the car, even on Sundays.

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