Serious question, What can we do to help abused children in America?!


Serious question, What can we do to help abused children in America?

Well not just America but everywhere. It really hurts me deeply when I hear about children being abused mentally, physically, or sexually.Children are helpless and they trust adults,so they are easy targets. I can't even tell you what I would like to do to someone who hurts a child. I'm sure you can imagine. I really feel the need to do something that would actually help a child. The internet is a breeding ground for the non humans who prey on children, and I feel we must really do something about that, laws should be made for the internet, better laws, and stricter laws for molester.Please help me find some way to help, and if we all did something too, it could change our country and help so many thousand and thousands of helpless little children and babies who are suffering and hurting. For what? Evil will not win. Think if it was your child or brother or sister. It makes me cry for days to think of this, but I have to help,it's my responsibility as an adult. If wedon't who will?

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2 days ago
Thank you to everyone who cares. Hockeygurl that's messed up, I can post any question I want, This is the first time I asked a serious q here. I think it's a worthy q to ask. Don't worry there will be more questions like, Do you like pie? In about a minute. Don't answer my q if you don't like it.


i think that parents should be more educated on the psychological problems that they could cause their children by the abuse, many people are so old fashioned that they believe,"well my parents hit me and look how good i came out" well back then it was not a big deal but there are many kids out there suffering, i am a social worker at a preschool and we have a psychiatrist that comes out once a month to have meetings with the parents to explain to them what is right and wrong and "positive discipline". i think that this is very helpful. sometimes i have to sit in to translate and parents will call me back and tell me how much the class helped so i believe that if we could get them into the public school systems and have them talk to the parents i think we would be filling that gap for parents that do not understand. i also believe that child protective services should be involved, i have called in situations where i believed that a child was being abused because of what my work title is the agency has to investigate, but not everyone has this advantage so therefore i think that when a person calls in a complaint that they should at least stop by for a surprise visit just to check up on families, i know that they have plenty of calls and are not able to do this but it would surely help. as u see this is also something that i wish i could do more for, i hate to see children hurt because their voices are too small and no one listens to them, someone needs to speak up for them.

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