Do you know the name of this Adult Swim show?!


Do you know the name of this Adult Swim show?

Okay, a few year ago (probably 5-7) I use to watch this show all the time on adult swim and it was about these people that were like half human and half robot. The theme song was really cool and kinda dark so maybe that will help spark a memory.The main character had some kinda uniform on that for some reason I keep thinking that it has silver and black or yellow and red on it. I've been wanting to get the name for some time now so if anyone out there knows the name, could you please tell me it?

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2 days ago
It's not Trigun or Full Metal Alchamist and I don't believe it's Ghost in the Shell. The main character's face was half human and half robot.


Cowboy Bebop
Android Kiakinder (or how every you spell it)

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