What's your rating for Pirates 3?!


What's your rating for Pirates 3?


I'd say like 7/10 - maybe 8/10.
It was a very good movie - definetly better the second time (I saw it 3 times).
It makes you laugh & cry but it is not as good as the first movie which I would give a 10/10!
I was so happy that Will & Elizabeth finally get married but I was so sad that Norrington died.... just when he was nice. ;(
And I totally HATE Davy Jones for killing Will, but oh well, he is no longer cursed!! YAY!! (I hope you stayed for the scene after the credits!!)
And I absolutely LOVEEEEE that part where Elizabeth is giving that speech before they fight and tells them to "hoist the colors" I cried every time I saw that part!

So anyhow, before I go on and can't stop, I will control myself now and say 7 or 8

yo ho yo ho

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