Fun stuff to do for little money?!


Fun stuff to do for little money?

i've been bored lately...does anyone have an idea of something to do with friends (other than traditional movies, mall, sporting events, swimming...blah blah blah) that requires little or no money? i live in the city so don't suggest something that you can only do out in the middle of nowhere

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3 days ago
oh i'm 14 btw


Call a few friends and have them meet you at a favorite park (or maybe one you have never been to) each of you bring a food item to create a picnic lunch, one person brigs chips & dip, a couple of people bring sandwich stuff, somone else brings the drinks (or buys them at a nearby convenienve store, whatever's easiest) and someone brings a salad or cookies or something. One of you should also bring a blanket to spread on the grass just in case the benches are icky or nonexistent and of course bring a plastic garbage bag for trash. If parking is an issue, take the bus, it's cheap and can be an adventure ifyou have never done it before.

Also, check out your public library. City libraries are usually large and have lots to offer. If you don't have a library card you should be able to get one for only a few dollars. Libraries now loan DVD's and other media in addition to books, some even loan video games. Again, have a friend or friends go with you or meet you there. Afterward you could all have coffee and look at your books or go to one of your homes and watch a movie together.

Your local YMCA is worth a look as well, they offer fun classes and activities for people of all ages and usually fairly inexpensively. Get a friend to join you or make new ones!

Hope I helped!

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