Is Captain America still dead?!

Question: I asked this question about 4 months back, and at the time he was still dead. Just wanted to check if that was still the case.

If he IS still dead, will they ever bring him back?

Best answer gets the 10 points

Answers: I asked this question about 4 months back, and at the time he was still dead. Just wanted to check if that was still the case.

If he IS still dead, will they ever bring him back?

Best answer gets the 10 points

At the moment, Steve Rogers is still 'dead' in the marvel universe. A new Captain America (Believed to be Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier) is debuting in January 2007 with a redesigned costume by Alex Ross.

Unfortunately, It's still not Captain America. A lot of debate has occurred that the real Captain America will return during 'Secret Invasion', Marvel Comic's next big crossover dealing with the Skrull invasion of Earth.

Another issue is that the Simon Family sued for and gained partial rights to the character, specifically the WWII elements. It is believed that Marvel is attempting to 'go around' those rights to see how it will play for the fans, IE bringing a new Captain America out.

Personally, killing Cap was a stupid mistake that Marvel made, because we don't need characters made 'extreme' or 'cutting edge'. We need the classic characters to explore their iconic nature, not crap on it like Marvel has been doing for over four years now.

He refuses to return until something is done about the George Bush situation.

There's an evil clone masquerading as him in the Whitehouse.

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