Mean Buggs Bunny HELP!!!!!!?!

Question: ok from a long time ago there was a show called buggs bunny but in that show the bunny was very rude and mean but i dont know wich 1 plz help and if u can plz send me a website address were i can see the original buggs bunny that got banned becuse he was 2 mean plz

Answers: ok from a long time ago there was a show called buggs bunny but in that show the bunny was very rude and mean but i dont know wich 1 plz help and if u can plz send me a website address were i can see the original buggs bunny that got banned becuse he was 2 mean plz

There never was any Bugs Bunny cartoon that was ever banned for being too "mean".

Some of his earlier cartoons had racial stereotypes that we consider offensive today, and those images have been excised, or the cartoons themselves have been archived and are no longer broadcast.

Bugs Bunny has always had a mean, but playful sense of humor. But after all. He's usually getting shot at, so I can't blame him for tying a knot in Elmer's shotgun barrel.

idk ne wbsite but channel 63 works or cartoon network!

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