Why is Cartoon Network Contuining to air Naruto since it Has killed a 10 year ol!

Question: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/userm...

10 year old gets buried in the sand trying to imitate a Naruto Technique and ends up dying.

Why does Cartoon Network Have the Ignorance to continue to Air the show that has killed a kid.

Answers: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/userm...

10 year old gets buried in the sand trying to imitate a Naruto Technique and ends up dying.

Why does Cartoon Network Have the Ignorance to continue to Air the show that has killed a kid.

It was a tragic accident indeed. But the boy's death cannot & should not be blamed on the network or the anime. The blame, as much as I hate to say this, lies on the boy. If he wanted to try a technique that badly, he should have asked his parents (or Guardian if that was the case). Where were they? Why were they not watching him? It was a tragic loss, to be sure, but it is also wrong to blame the anime or the network. It is also tragic that some of the previous answers have called the boy a retard & stupid. One writer even said they had laughed. To laugh at someone's misguided attempt to perform a technique they san on the tv that ended in their death is truly tragic indeed.

Dude, NARUTO is just plain too extreme and stupid for daytime Cartoon Network. I liked the first couple episodes, but then, it turned into a lame anime show. I hate it!!!

ohhh crappp !!! .. and i dont know .. crazy ppl

2 things, first of all if tv stations took a show off of the network because one person did somethign than we'de have barely any shows on at all. Secondly, whoever the kid's guardian was at the time is at fault more than the show. if you don't notice/ care that your kid is burying himslef completely in sand than you should robably pay more attention.

Technically its not cartoon networks fault, its the kids fault. but i dont really know, cuz i dont watch naruto in english... its better in japanese. but thats just my opinion.

Dude that totaly sucks who would actually do that not to be rude or anything but thats just stupid.

Because the kid was a retard and it wasn't the show's nor Cartoon Networks fault.


That story cracks me up every time.


Because they make money from it and it is just more publicity for them. They claim they're not responsible, any more than DC is for the little kid who put on a Superman cape and tried to fly out the window, any more than Marvel is for the kid who doused himself in gas and set himself on fire to be like the Human Torch.

The best you can do is to start a publicity campaign to convince people to boycott it, and so many of their fanboys are irresponsible ignorant kids themselves it's going to be an uphill battle to convince people not to watch it any more, But good luck.

Sorry, kids, but it's true, you don't have the life experience that older people do. I'm not saying you're ignorant to insult you, I'm just pointing out that we know a lot of things you don't.

18 MAR 08, 0346 hrs, GMT.

Why should Cartoon Network take a popular show off the air just because some kid was stupid enough to try something like that? The parents should have taught the kid better. It's just as bad as that dumb kid who drowned while on a cruise with his family because he tried to find Spongebob.

I'm so tired of people blaming Tv shows and video games for the stupid action of little kids. IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT THAT THE PARENTS FAIL TO TEACH AND DISCIPLINE THEIR OWN KIDS! First of all, Naruto is NOT rated pg. Its rated TEEN. So the parents shouldn't let their kids watch something like that if their kids are easily influenced. Me and my cousins watch it, and they are like 8-10 all of them. They know the difference between reality and fantasy, dangerous and safe. If you ask me, its always the sheltered kids that die in such a way. You never really hear about inner city kids doing stupid stuff like that. Y? They know the difference form a VERY early age. Well, the ones I know. Anyway, Its the parent's fault. They should've been more aware of their child's psyche.

That's like asking why south park is still on >_>; after some kid killed himself because he thought he could come back like kenny..feh.

short answer.
ratings my friend.. sweet holy ratings.

I plea the 5th! X0

First off, The show did not kill the kid, the kid killed himself. Second, The kid was 10, he should have known better than to go and do something like that in the first place. Why take a show off the air, that thousands like, just because of one stupid kid. If we go around taking everything off that has caused somebody to do someone to do something stupid, we will be living in a world filled with nothing entertaining.

I feel for the family, I really do, but the show did not go and kill the kid, the kid made the choice himself and did this.


dude....it's not CN fault...it's actually the kid's parents fault. They shouldn't have actually let him watch Naruto if they knew he's going to imitate Naruto's techniques. There should be parental guidance and this could prevent the kid's death..i mean seriously...this kid's so stupid...he's already 10...why would he risk his life just for imitating a dangerous move...i mean seriously..it's just a anime/manga...it's not real...doesn't he know how to protect himself??

because it wasnt cartoon networks fault it was the kids fault he tried to put his head in a one foot deep sand box and tried to stay under there for five minutes,FIVE MINUTES YOU CANT DO THAT! HIS FRIENDS PUT HIM IN THE SAND WHAT THEY DIDNT KNOW IS THAT NARUTO IS A SHOW THAT HAS JUTSU AND FIGHTING THEY KNOW YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO TRY AND DO SAND BURIAL YOUR GONNA DIE I SAY THE BOYS FRIENDS ARE TO BLAME!

wtf? the kid must have had a mental problem kishimoto is not at fault the parents are and the kid is. some of you may say he was just a kid but i say he was smart enough to try and attempt a jutsu so he must have been old enough to have some damn since so he killed himself and i have no sympathy and he is gunna ruin the show for the rest of us i hate dumb *** kids (people) omg! he was ten now he is really a ****** idiot! lol what a dumb *** i would have expected that from like "maybe" a six year old but 10? thats just pathetic the kid killed himself 10 year olds are old enough to know reality from fiction dumb *** kid

First off the show didn't kill the kid, apparently no one was watching him or at least he wasn't thinking at the moment and wanted to be like Garara.

"Though the incident seems like a perfect lightning rod for watchdog groups to curse Naruto and call for its end, the general consensus is the death is simply the result of a tragic accident. "


A kid and his friends went overboard and made poor choices which led to his death. Nothing in the cartoon tells its viewers to imitate their actions.

Here's a link to a Seattle news channel with a description of the boy's death.


Possibly because Naruto has not killed a 10-year-old kid. Association and causation are not the same thing. Just because the kid's death was related to Naruto doesn't fault the anime or manga's creators, Cartoon Network, Viz, or anyone else. Naruto didn't jump out of the television and shoot him -- his own reckless actions caused his (still tragic and untimely) death. If you founded a world-renowned restaurant, would you credit fictional t.v. chefs with your culinary abilities? Probably not.

let me guess it was your 10 year old huh.....you can't possibly be that ignorant to blame a show for a 10 year old dying

its the parents fault. they wernt watching their child. but whatever i dont like cartoon network naruto anyways

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