Naruto Manga chapter 330?!

Question: Okay who else fell off their chair to the floor from Loling after seeing " i think i;m ....starting to fall in love with you"

i think i even creid,omg i am saving that one-

anyways my question is- first off- Kakashi was going to explain what he ment- which means we get to see what actually goes threw his head- he was jsut assigned to squad 10 but i wanna know what he ment- will we find out later?

also, is it legal for shikamaru to smoke i mean isn't he like 12?

Answers: Okay who else fell off their chair to the floor from Loling after seeing " i think i;m ....starting to fall in love with you"

i think i even creid,omg i am saving that one-

anyways my question is- first off- Kakashi was going to explain what he ment- which means we get to see what actually goes threw his head- he was jsut assigned to squad 10 but i wanna know what he ment- will we find out later?

also, is it legal for shikamaru to smoke i mean isn't he like 12?

ooh that is just tooooooooo funny!!! i cant believe that i didnt remember that....thanks for the link, im probably going to end up saving it too! i think he said i love you, because he knew that narutos powers depended on his emotions. so if naruto had a really strong emotion come his way, or he had some really strong emotions, then his chakra flow would have been greater, increasing the amount of jutsus and techniques that he could do. i think we wil find out later, but even here at 394, i dont think we know what he means. it is illegal for him to smoke, and he is like 15 not 12 because this is after the timeskip jade.

shikamaru is the smartest in the leaf village he can do w/e he wants lol and he is 15....and the kakashi part i don't realy understand ure question

WTF? When did Kakashi tell Naruto he loved him?

lol i did my dad thought something was wrong with me
i yes it is illegal for shika to smoke

who told who?? lol

its the centuries newest hottest couple. lol.


jk. but he said that because
he likes how much persistance naruto has.
&& shikamaru is not 12!!!!!!!
i dont date 12 year olds, ok?
lol. he is like 15 maybe even 16.

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