Scarlet Witch vs. Poison Ivy?!

Question: Scarlet Witch vs!. Poison Ivy!?
Another X-men member Scarlet Witch takes a shot against Dc Villainess her teammates Storm and Jubilee are already kicking Ivy to the curb what her and Scarlet's fate!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Poison Ivy might be able to defeat a few of the low powered and no-powered Marvel characters, but she would clearly be out of her depth against the Scarlet Witch!. She wouldn't have a chance against Storm either, and I don't think she would do very well against Jubilee either and Jubilee is the only one of the three who Ivy might have an outside chance of defeating!.

Why are you having three Marvel characters gang up on a DC character that any of them could defeat alone!? There's nothing sporting about such a one-sided constest!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I would be hard pressed to think of a marvel character that would lose to Poison Ivy, Aunt May perhaps!? Storm would chill her to the bone, Scarlet Witch with her crazy self wouldn't even realize that she had killed her!. Who's up next in the Ivy beat down, Phoenix!? Emma Frost!? You decide!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

c'mon, what kind of a fight is that!? poison ivy dosen't even have a chanceWww@Enter-QA@Com

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