Need some titles of dance music for all ages/ranges thanks!?!


Need some titles of dance music for all ages/ranges thanks!?

Having a block party need some ideas.


Get this song
(it is never missing on a wedding or bday party here on my country)

it is called
"No rompas mas" by "Caballo Dorado"

u dance it in a cowboy sort of way but
the steps are easy:

(when the principal music starts after the drumming)
2 steps to the right
2 steps to the left
2 steps backwards
and 2 steps forward while you turn around and end up looking to the left of ur initial position

u repeat it over again
easy to remember eh?

maybe u have already seen it somewhere.

i don't know
just teach ppl the steps and maybe when they get the hang of it they will like it!
it's been a hit here for almost 20 years, it is a total dance classic (and something very good that i know for all ages/ranks)
maybe it is over there!

p.d. there is also a faster version of the song
i think it is called "Payaso de Rodeo" by the same band.

block party huh?
gonna need a big dance floor then haha
well, just check it out, it may be of use one day.

Have fun!

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