Help. I have to cook dinner for the new inlaws in one hour and all I have is a c!


Help. I have to cook dinner for the new inlaws in one hour and all I have is a can of spam and some radishes.?

Also have a tea bag, some pickle relish and half a bottle of white vinegar if this helps.

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1 month ago
The nearest store is a three day mush by dog sled.


Okay Justin, you are going to have to make a run to the convience store down the street! Pick up some potatoes and cut them into chunks the size of the radishes. Dice the Spam into 1 inch cubes. Make a dressing out of a little pickle relish and vinigar and shake all the ingredients in it while in a ziploc baggie, then put it all in a shallow baking dish in a single layer and bake for about 30 minutes at 375. It may not be delish, but who knows? Skip the lonely tea bag unless you have several, then you can make some iced tea for your guests.

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