California....but not the LA life?...?!


California....but not the LA life?...?

hi, im not really sure how to say any of here goes...
i'm sick of where i am, although im only 14, i can't really stand being around the same people and living with my parents anymore. it sounds childish i know, but i want to live someone else's life, start out new in Oakland or Emeryville; get a real taste of the East Bay Punk scene u know?
IDk, how much would a ticket there cost me on average? and since im not working @ the moment, what's a good price on apartments (if they'd even allow me there) or like, a community house (if ur a green day fan u'd get what im saying here)...
um sorry if u had to read all this im probablygonna delete this question anyway!!LOL

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2 months ago
i really want to live out my dream and make it in the music actually how much $$$ for 2 ticktes cuz i have to bring my best friend/bandmate?

2 months ago
and i know what most of you are gonna say, so if it's "you're too yung blah blah blah" just dont bother. everone knows im not really gonna do it duh!

tho, it has been our goal since my firend &i were kids to @ least go for a little while, like an extended vacation??

2 months ago
i dont want to live on the streets like a homeless dude...and i wouldnt consider myself as a runaway cuz my dad would be fully aware of it...and he'd proably support my decision (if i decide to go once i graduate).


Going once you graduate high school is one thing - but you should stay where you are. If you feel that your life needs change, change some things about it where you are. Redecorate your bedroom, change your clothing style, make different friends, audition for community musical groups - arts center, community bands/singing groups, school productions, school music groups, church music groups, summer drum and bugle corp. There are a thousand different ways to change details of your life without becoming a statistic. Then if you want to move to LA or Cal or Alaska once you are an adult, then plan for it now. Get a small part time job, put money away for your post graduation big move or college (which will give you tons of musical opportunities and networks). If you want to make adult decisions - think like an adult and act accordingly. Have fun where you are and enjoy your youth.

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