Is it ok for me to have a gemini girlfriend?!


Is it ok for me to have a gemini girlfriend?

title says it all

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1 day ago
also im gemini


Most Compatible
Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Cancer, Leo, Aries, Taurus

Scorpio, Capricorn

Least Compatible
Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Relationships can be successful between any of the Sun sign combinations. However, because all relationships have their ups and downs I have included details of the potential problem areas that may need more work.
To find out more, page down to find your combination.

** Please note that the information given is based on 'pure' signs and therefore can not be 100% accurate for all individuals born under that sign. It must be remembered that many individuals have a stronger influence on their character than the position of the Sun in their birth chart. **

Gemini and Gemini
On their first meeting Geminis see another Gemini like looking in a mirror and to meet someone who has the same outlook on life is an invigorating experience for them. Geminis need constant mental stimulation and these two can provide plenty of that for each other. The attraction between them will be instant like finding the twin you were separated from at birth and whatever happens to them they will remain the best of friends forever. They both use their heads and this will be what they see in each other as suitability for becoming their partner.

As well as being such good friends they will also make well matched lovers because they will instinctively know what each other needs. The physical side of their relationship will require an equal amount of mental stimulation in order to be successful and this will be provided by their excellent imaginations. It is possible that a session of passion turns into a night of lively conversation instead but neither of them will be bothered by this or surprised. Because neither needs romance or emotional attachment this pairing could be made to last but it is possible that after a while one or both of them will look outside of the relationship for more fun.

Geminis need excitement from stimulating conversation and if they can keep the physical side of the relationship just between the two of them, and if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in other more compatible signs then this can be a very successful match. If not it may be that one or both of them starts to find the relationship boring. This relationship will be hard work but if they can learn to be more committed to each other and enjoy being with someone they know so well it will be worth it.

I would says yes, you guys should be a good match
Good luck

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