Can you tell me the future of a person who have rising sign is Taurus,SunSign is!


Can you tell me the future of a person who have rising sign is Taurus,SunSign is Pisces,MoonSign Sagittarus?


Rising sign Taurus
Sun sign Pisces
Moon sign Sagittarius

The combination indicates that you are very inquisitive, always looking for answers. Though to others you may appear self-assured, underneath, you can lack confidence, and often wonder about your own ability.

Love and sex are still a bit of a mystery to you, but others don't see this.

Study is sometimes easy, sometimes difficult. If something appears difficult to you, you may try to find excuses to put it off for a little while.

You like everything to be perfect, but can still be accepting if things are not quite as you would like. You like socialising with friends - indeed this is the thing you most like to do.

The upcoming year will see a new relationship, and a possible advancement in you career, with an exciting new challenge ahead.

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