Indian Astrologers, would you recommend this match or would you not recommend th!


Indian Astrologers, would you recommend this match or would you not recommend this match?

Date Of Birth: 28th Febuary 1978
Time Of Birth: 5:05A.M.
Time Zone: 5:30 East of Greenwich
Place of Birth: Kadiri ( Andhra Pradesh )

Birth Date : October 29, 1981
Time: 13:30:00
Longitude : 072'W50"
Latitude : 41'N43"
Time: Standard time
Time Zone: 5 Hours West

Place of Birth: Farmington , Connecticut USA
Nearest City: Hartford, Connecticut USA


Whether good or bad, please be frank. Please feel free to say anything you feel like saying. Also, the boy mentioned in the beginning that his year of birth was 1977, but then found out it was 1978. If the year of birth was indeed 1977, would it make a lot of difference?

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
Some people have answered that it is a good match. But they just said it is a good match. I want more information. Thats why I asked again...

2 weeks ago
I want to know more than just about the points from Guna-matching...

2 weeks ago
Whether it is a good match or a bad match please explain why...

2 weeks ago
NUPAKRY, girl is 29/10/1981....

1 week ago
The fact that I am asking a question more than once does not mean that I doubt Indian
Astrologers. It is because I trust them that I am coming back here.


It is a good match whether the YOB is 1978 or 1977. On a scale of zero to 100, I shall put the match at 50. Both the partners have high malefic contents in their charts. But the doshas are more or less matched.

However, do not forget that there may be terrific ego-conflicts and misunderstanding between the two partners. Despite all this, the pair will continue to live together anyway.

The other negative aspect of this match is that the offsprings coming out of it may not be worthy.

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