The boy i think I'm in love with is a Pisces but how do i know he is in love wit!


The boy i think I'm in love with is a Pisces but how do i know he is in love with me?

Pisces ,im a gemini , love, boy, how do i know, help me , pisces and gemini


Pisces are all about feelings. They are caring, sensitive people who feel things very deeply and they count on their intuition to guide them. They have extremely strong natural intuitions and many Pisces have psychic abilities. These qualities, and their compassionate souls, mean they feel the burdens and joys of others as well as their own. Charitable Pisces see the good in everyone, and often put the needs of others ahead of their own. This means that they sometimes get taken advantage of by people who aren't so well-meaning, but they always bounce back. They also make great volunteers.

Pisceans are go-with-the-flow people. They are also introspective and they live largely in a dream world of their own imagination. They are happy to be considered "fuzzy", since they feel nice and safe daydreaming in their own little world. When Pisces do reach out to others, they expect them to be there for them. If a Pisces feels neglected, they can sink into moodiness and negativity. Many keep themselves occupied in the creative arts, including painting and music, at which they are extremely talented. They are very modest however and are always quick to point out the talents of others around them, rather than taking center stage themselves.

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