Does a Taurus stand a chance with a Libra?!


Does a Taurus stand a chance with a Libra?


The pairing of a Taurus girl and a Libra boy can make for a great short-term fling. However, it will probably not be a true love match. A relationship between you can start out amazingly strong. You are both highly romantic and creative in demonstrating that you like each other, and that can keep things going for a short while. Later, though, you’ll start feeling insecure when he insists on keeping things casual. Libra boys hate to be tied down and they are terrible flirts, constantly testing their powers of attraction on any girl who walks by them. That will make you clingy, and that’s when he will take off. Enjoy a short-term fling, but don’t get too serious about a Libra or you’ll probably get hurt.

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