Sun Signs... Calendar influenced?!


Sun Signs... Calendar influenced?

To me what attracts most people to astrology, is that generic discription!! Yes people say how can one tell something by a Sun Sign? It is just too general... I go well how can one tell anything from a Mars sign?

You will read about how people talk about this planet and that planet... But I always wondered myself what makes the Sun so "Generic"? As it is the 3rd fastest moving planet (astro-lingo terms). Is it because we base our calendars on the Sun? What if we were to switch to a Lunar calender? Would the Moon become SO generic? Just a thought....

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4 weeks ago
Well I was kind of thinking that one Cat, since I am pretty new to this Yahoo answer... so please excuse me if Im doing this wrong....

I was basicly trying to think that maybe the Sun is taken for granted, because how it is conciously known.... Like all Leo Suns are born between july 21st - Aug 22nd kind of deal...

Lets say if I layed everyone on top of a Lunar calender, as the moon is the only planet that goes threw all 12 signs, when the Sun just goes threw one sign.

You get a 364.5 day calender... not too far off!

So if the aim was switched around, as the Moon becomes the bases.... With the day corasponding towards the phase you are born under.... I think it just might be able to see the personality of the Sun better, because the Moon has no light of its own, and its just a reflection of the Sun.

4 weeks ago
Like I am a Cancer with a Virgo Moon... So I know in relation between those two that the Moon is growing in size. So the more active parts of them 2 signs would come into play....

the calender is 28 days 13 months ... 7 days for each phase.... 4 phases...

3 weeks ago

Moon plays a key part in affecting our daily-life responses to things as they arise – our moods, frames of mind, underlying urges and the collective atmospheres around us. A sign-change of the Moon infects us with sub-swells, standpoints, humours (states), modes and vagaries of being which can pass quickly (in hours or a day). Yet, at the time we experience them, they feel total and pervasive, as if we always had them and always will. These are subjective feelings which are often unclear and non-specific, but they particularly affect our basic feelings of alrightness or discomfort with life, on a momentary yet deep-seated basis. If you examine yourself consciously over the course of a day, you will find that your moods and approaches to life change several times between waking and going to sleep, and these ‘humours’ can immensely affect our way of dealing with life – at times crucially.

Note, however, that the Moon does not directly steer these moods:

3 weeks ago
We can use an awareness of the Moon’s antics to look into our own. It is not the Moon which steers us, so much as our programmed past, our unconscious memories. But the Moon tweaks and activates these, bringing them to our attention. When life confronts us with challenges and crunches, we have an opportunity to change our responses, release old patterns and open to the wonder of the present moment. For, at root, life is a flow which provides us with every kind of experience we need, at exactly the time and in the way we need it, regardless of what we tell ourselves we need. The never-ending internal rapport of reactions, chunterings and grindings which we go through each and every moment of our lives is pure habit, and blocks our appreciation of what is available to us in each moment. The challenge is to remember this truism!

The four quarter phases of the Moon (newmoon, halfmoons and the fullmoon) particularly test our fundamental sense of okayness or agitation about life-as-it-is:

3 weeks ago
Study blood type relationships in Asia.. the big craze... Like Japan for instance.. There is a pretty even number of A and B blood-types, good amount of AB, but not alot of O. Now switch over to America, there is alot of A, and Os.. good amount of ABs, but not alot of Bs.

A is common in both cultures, with O and B being different. Moon is the group.

If you reconized the Moon, then you get an undertone of 4 themes added towards the Sun..

Reading the Moon this way is Reading the Astrological Moon CORRECTLY ... been read like that for thousands a years that way... People even go as far as using this cycle towards when to cut the grass, and to plant stuff in a garden.

Find out your Moon Phase you were born here.....

AND READ IT !!!! Apply it towards your Sun for just a second.


I don't think switching to any planetary or luminary based calender would make much of a difference.Astrology has to do with every single planet.The sun is the essential part of your being ;the masculine part and the moon your feminine.Switching to either calender won't change these facts in astrology.

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