How do I know what my two horoscope signs are?!


How do I know what my two horoscope signs are?

Some people think that they have a moon and sun horoscope. What does that mean? How do I know what my two horoscope signs are? How can you tell?


Right, I'll explain this one more time (and chances are I'll let myself explain it more than once after this time...)

The natal horoscope does not consist out of only your "star sign"... - otherwise known in astrological terms as a sun sign; easy to remember, the sun is in fact a star. THAT part, is only one 10th of objects that can affect your personality.

The sun is the primary one (for God knows what reason because I've noticed the moon and the rising have more effect on a person's personality...), it's the fundation of the chart. Like when I say I am a Scorpio (born november 10th 1984) I'm actually saying the sun on that day was in Scorpio (18 degrees, to be exact.)

Now, when I say my moon is in Gemini (which it was on that day), what I mean is, on that same day, the exact time of birth at that precise spot, the moon was in the sign of Gemini.

That's the sun and moon signs. They're not yours by definition; it's just their placement in the sky at that particular time.

Then, astrology does not only take the sun and the moon into account, but also all the planets in our solar system - including Ceres and Pluto. So there's also Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto that can be in a certain sign at your time of birth. Mercury, Venus and Mars add to your personality, all the others (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) give an added dimension to your personality if they're in close aspect to one of those 3 previously named planets, the sun, the moon or the rising (more on the rising later...) Ceres and Pluto give an insight on less straight-forward issues, and you shouldn't really take them in consideration unless you're going for advanced astrology or when they're in a close aspect with one of the personal planets.

then there's the rising. Basically the constellation in the zodiac (more accurate would be the predetermined 30 degrees in which the whole of the constellation - and maybe part of the others - resides) that rises on the east at the exact time you were born, is what they call the rising, or ascending sign.

All those objects and aspects come into play when determining someone's horoscope.

So I never tell anyone that I am a Scorpio, because I'm simply not just a Scorpio.

Now, if all the above sounds too confusing (I can imagine it does), you can always go to and have your chart made there. There's a short tutorial there as well, a bit more simplified than my own one... happy hunting.

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