How would i know if a gemini likes me? 1day she does next day she doesn't..why?!


How would i know if a gemini likes me? 1day she does next day she doesn't..why?

how can i seduce a gemini woman..when she tells me sweet stuff one day and the next day she is mean and cold.
any expierence with gemini women..or to gemini women can u tell me how to seduce u.



Firstly I am a Gemini and if I like a Man I won't make Eye contact! When I eventually sit back and think of my stragedy to get the Man I am after, I will flirt and act very childish.

Gemini's like control and if you smoother her she will feel like she has the control and won't have to chase you. Turn the situation around, don't always be available, like answering the Phone for a communication for a Gemini will drive her mad!

Gemini's are communicators, so let her do the talking. Remain quiet and eventually she will want to know what's going on and then your get down to what she really feels about you.

A big clue, Gemini's like Mental stimulation and lots of coversation! We get bored very easy. Don't devote all your life around here, remember she has aother Twin that cpuld go off any minute.

Be Care free and your see

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