Were you born on Friday the 13th?!


Were you born on Friday the 13th?

If you were, how lucky or unlucky has your life been. I was born 13th Nov. 1981, and I would say my life has been more unlucky than others. I am not superstitious but I was just wondering what others born on this day have experienced.


My step-brother was also born on Friday the 13th (August 13) and has definitely had a life of high ups and low downs.

In answer to your question, in numerology the number "13" is considered a Karmic Debt Number, so often those born on that day, or those with a 13 somewhere in their charts will face some additional obstacles in life. This doesn't by any means mean that they can't be successful; quite the contrary some are very if they can learn to really focus and work hard.

A "13" in a chart can mean you will have to work doubly-hard sometimes to attain your goals. Often these people can fall into the trap of laziness or will just give up because they want to take short-cuts to be sucessful. They can have a poor self-image. They tend to scatter themselves in too many directions, and may not have the discipline to perfect themselves in one area or stay in one field for too long. In order for someone with a 13 to be sucessful, they need to keep their environment clean and organized, follow-through on things, including all appointments and never ever procrastinate. But it will take work.

Often, though, there are other numbers at work within one's chart that can have an effect too on a person's ability to overcome obstacles. This would explain why "13" (as alluded to by another poster) is not always an unlucky number for everyone. For example, my brother is also on a Life Path of 8, and I've never met anyone with an 8 Life Path who did not have an issue with money to overcome, which, by the way, happens to be his main source of ups and downs. He is terrible at managing his finances (and fully admits this!), and a good deal of his problems stem from the fact that when he has money, he spends it, whether he has debts that he has obligated himself to or not. He also has no plans to save for the future, and can get incredibly disorganized when depressed, so it's often a live-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of lifestyle. So while he may not understand why his life has been filled with all these ups and downs, the rest of us who know him and can be objective are saying to ourselves, "Uh, huh, we know EXACTLY why he's struggled all his life!" (LOL!)

Numerologically, based on your DOB info provided, you also have a "19" Karmic Debt in your chart, and often those with a 19 also have a problem learning what 'freedom' actually means, so that is a common obstacle for them. They tend to resist help, almost stubbornly, they have a real problem taking advice because their independence is self-imposed. They have to be reminded that as important as it is for them to be independent, we all need assistance and support sometimes, and that doesn't make us any weaker for taking it every now and again or for at least kindly listening to the advice of others, whether we take it or not.

You are also on a Life Path of 7, which may make you very spiritual and somewhat introverted. You are kind of a loner, at least in terms of your thoughts. It may be difficult for you to get close to people. You can be charming and the life of the party, though, when you choose to be. Although you can be quite social, you do need your own time to retreat back to the solitude of being alone, so sometimes this can make intimacy difficult because you definitely need your privacy. This can also make you feel empty at times, and maybe even overly cynical, selfish or withdrawn. You may be jealous of others and too critical of yourself. You do have the ability to be sucessful in life, but you must learn how to be independent without isolating yourself. Most "7"s find themselves in middle-age, when they have had more life-experience and feel wiser about life. They are drawn to careers in business, religion, insurance, invention, research, science and the occult.

A "13" birthday also typically means you have a love of family and nature. You have artistic talent that you should develop. You can be a hard worker and have excellent concentration as long as you are taking good care of yourself. You may feel like you have as yet to find the work you truly love. You may flit from job to job trying to find your place. Your challenge is to make the most of what has been given to you. Stick with a job for awhile and strengthen your skills in a particular field so you don't wander from job to job or relationship to relationship. You can be stubborn at times. Maintain order and discipline, and make the most of what the universe sends your way.

I hope this gave you some insight into the number "13" and answered some of your questions. Good luck to you!

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