Is Aquarius a sensitive sign??!


Is Aquarius a sensitive sign??

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1 month ago
sorry AH but i thought aquarius was an air sign, good point though that might help pieces

1 month ago
aquarius isn't a water sign its an air like gemini and libra


Aquarius isn't known for particularly being overly sensitive or emotional. It's an intellectual sign and they have problems dealing with emotions, which are very confusing to them. Aquarians DO have emotions, they just prefer to appear cool, aloof, and detached, as if they're always in control of themselves. For the people who said Aquarius is a "controlling sign", that's not neccesarily true. Generally speaking, Aquarius is a very liberated sign, they refuse to BE controlled. Aquarius is known for wanting everyone to be treated as equals and treating everyone equally, making this sign one of the friendliest of the Zodiac. Aquarians also don't tend to like to commit to relationship since they're uncomfortable with emotions, they're very private people, and they are known for being the least passionate sign of the zodiac.

Aquarians are, however, very sensitive to mankind as a whole. They want to help the world and make it a better place for everyone. When they see poverty, our planet or the people in it being mowed down and abused, it deeply hurts them. They are humanitarians, and want to save the world.

For the people who said Aquarians are very controlling and abusive, that particular Aquarius probably has a lot of Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio or another controlling or violent sign influence in their chart. Because Aquarius tends to dislike violence and control.

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