What is Aquarius's best match?!


What is Aquarius's best match?


Gemini-The Gemini boy and Aquarius girl combination is excellent because you really appreciate the most interesting qualities in each other. You are both intelligent, insightful people and you will delight in the amazing conversations that you have together. You also share each other’s taste for variety and new experiences, so you’ll have a lot of fun together. Your physical chemistry is strong and romance for both of you is more creative and fun with each other than with most other signs. You will have the best of both worlds in this relationship, because you will be both great friends and great romantic partners. A real soulmate match.

Libra-The Aquarius girl and Libra boy are true equals. In a love relationship, this is a wonderful situation, because it means that he can be your best friend as well as being a great boyfriend. The Libra boy is a real romantic, and he is very creative in the ways that he’ll let you know he cares. You’ll love the way he keeps flirting with you and doing little things for you. He also has a light-hearted attitude to life and he will be very good at getting around your moody, eccentric streak. You’ll like the way he makes you look at the world, and he’ll love your quick mind and the physical attraction between you. A wonderful soulmate match.

Aquarius-You will have a strong connection with an Aquarius boy that you won’t find with many other signs. You are strongly attracted to each other and your kisses will be positively electrifying! You both also share many, many other interests and you will have a terrific time sharing these with each other. You’ll also have very good conversations, because you two have the same outlook on life and the same interest in making the world a better, more interesting place to live. You will be able to talk with him about art, music, movies and much more. There will be some problems, because you are so much alike, but the good stuff will make them seem not so important. It’s a soulmate match.

Hope this info helps you!!

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