Can anyone please tell me what this Dosha reading means?!


Can anyone please tell me what this Dosha reading means?

Here it is. Thanks in advance.

Pitta Vayu Kapha body Dosha
Equal Vayu Pitta secondary Kapha mind Dosha


Hi Catwoman,

I can't really tell you because I was just curious about what it could be so delved a bit further and found this. It might help, it might not: all sounds very complicated to me!!!!

The doshas-vayu, pitta, and kapha-constitute the tripod on which Ayurveda stands. To understand their theory perfectly and correctly is by itself a long and arduous study. The subject being a very complicated one, it cannot be explained within a few pages. Also, it has been defined by different experts in different ways, but the basic principles to which they all point to are the same.
The three doshas enable the spiritual and mental planes of existence to express themselves through the physical body. Vata is in charge of all motion in the body and mind. Everything that moves, from a molecule to a thought, moves because of vata, and every motion of any kind influences every other motion....Pitta is in charge of all transformation in the organism. Digestion of food by the gut, of light by the eyes, and of sensory data by the brain are examples of pitta's activities. Kapha is the stabilizing influence in the living being. It lubricates, maintains and contains, and its various activities, like those of vata and pitta, are interrelated
Proper understanding of tri-dosha is the basis of Ayurveda knowledge.

Vayu-dosha is composed of air and ether. In limited context it is called air, in a more complex understanding it is referred to as the nervous system and life airs. Respiration, energy and impulses, energetic and wavery mind. Primary seat in the body is colon. It is the gross representation of rajas guna.

Pitta-dosha is composed of fire and water. In limited context it is called bile, in a more complex understanding it is referred to as the metabolic system. Digestion, thirst, hunger, body heat, smooth skin, memory, bravery, possessiveness and avarice. Primary seat in the body is ileo-jejunum. It is the gross representation of sattva guna.

Kapha-dosha is composed of water and earth. In limited context it is called phlegm or mucus, in a more complex understanding it is referred to as the excretory system. Stability, oiliness, solidity, strength, intelligence, neutrality, friendship and forgiveness. Primary seat in the body is chest. It is the gross representation of tamas guna.

Each dosha has five subdivisions called dosha pentad with specific functions in specific places. For example the five divisions of vayu-dosha are called prana, udana, vyana, samana and apana airs. They are located in skull, chest, heart, navel and pelvis respectively. Their presence in the body makes them three main pillars sustaining life functions of all animate creation.

Right from the time of fertilization one of these doshas manifests as a dominant factor determining characteristics of an individual with triple classification:

Vayu-ja persons: tall and lean, dry body with little sweating, earthy color of skin, very hairy, fickle mind, very talkative, capricious appetite and thirst (prefer hot and oily dishes), constipative tendencies, fond of traveling and enjoying life, unsteady sleep with dreams of storm and sky.

p.s. I began to answer your question about how astrology had changed over the years but when I came to post it, you had removed it. If you post it again, I will answer it!!!!

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