I was born on 7/12/1975?!


I was born on 7/12/1975?

When will I find the love of my life and settle down?

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2 months ago
That's 7th of December 1975 and NOT 12th of July.

Downunder we use a different notation to the way Americans write their dates! ;-)

2 months ago
I was hoping for some "horoscopically" related answers ...



It's good to see another fellow Aussie on here!

Before I answer your question, I need to point out a couple of important things.

Firstly, it's very difficult for any astrologer to pinpoint precisely when a particular event will happen to a person. When considering the possibility of love entering a person's life, one of the first things an astrologer will look at is how Venus, the planet of love and marriage, is behaving at a given time in an individual's chart (eg. how it is being influenced by transiting planets).

However, Venus rules many other areas of life apart from marriage, such as art and music. If Venus is active at any given time in a person's chart, it is just as likely to result in a person taking up a uni course in art as in their getting married. The best an astrologer can do is see when your Venus will be active and say that there is the potential there for love or marriage.

The other point is that it is also difficult to provide an accurate reading without a specific birth time.

However, I will try and give you the best reading I can from the information you provided.

The first thing I noticed in your chart is the fact that it contains the classic indications of a marriage later in life to a woman much younger than yourself. The two planets which rule the women in a man's life, the Moon and Venus, are in strong aspect to your Saturn (the planet which rules age). This also means that there is a very strong possibility that you will ultimately marry a Capricorn woman, since Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn.

As for when Venus will be strongly active in your chart, the most recent time I noticed is not in the near future, I'm afraid, but the indications of finding love during this period are strong.

In 2010, the planet Neptune will make a powerful aspect to Venus in your chart. Since Neptune rules places of worship such as churches, then the potential, not only for love, but for marriage as well under this influence is good. The influence will actually last over a 2 year period, from 2010 to 2011.

Good luck and best wishes :)

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