Is cancer compatible with virgo?!


Is cancer compatible with virgo?

is it

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2 months ago
is it and a little more info. lam Virgo and i like a girl that is cancer so you tell me


Generally, yes, this is a good match. The Virgo has to understand though that the Cancer is probably the most emotional of the zodiac. They like home and family, and when in a relationship, they want to feel loved and cared for. If the Virgo is romantic and can make the Cancer feel loved, adored, and protected (and likewise, want to be loved, adored, and protected by them), the Cancer will be one happy crab. However, Cancers are very sensitive and moody. Virgo's are meticulous and organized. They like things done their way and don't like having to yield to anyone else's way. Their way is, in their minds, simply the right way. If the Virgo disagrees with the way Cancer does things and has to correct the Cancer's way, the Cancer will take it very personally and will go on the defensive. A Virgo, who doesn't put as much emotion into it and sees it as more of a practical thing, won't understand why Cancer is throwing a hissy-fit. To a Virgo, unemotionally this is simply the correct way of doing things. To Cancer, you're attacking my way thereby attacking me, oh, dear God you don't love me or care about me, oh woe is me. If this happens, the Virgo should just tell the Cancer you do still care and love them and that you suggested a better way of doing things in hope of bettering the relationship. Then, maybe the Cancer will yield! Good luck!

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