Libras, likes && dislikes, maybe even hate?!


Libras, likes && dislikes, maybe even hate?

What do you like or dislike about them?
Also, give me your zodiac with your answer.

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2 months ago
I kinda wanna hear this from different signs.


I'm a Virgo Sun sign with a libra Ascendant. My mom is a libra and she can be selfish and shallow. Libra is supposed to be about balance.My mom is no where near balanced and neither was my grandfather who was also libra. I think i draw the unbalanced libra's to me. To all the libra's don't take offence to this! This is my personal experiences with the libra's in my family. The good libra's can be very sweet and sympathetic. Libra's have a built in justice system in them. So alot of Libra's work around the law. Or fighting for social justice. They have good and bad like all the sign's do. Blessings!!!

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