What's my zodiac sign?!


What's my zodiac sign?

timings: 1:55A.M
day :monday


In popular parlance zodiac sign means the Sunsign as referred in Western astrology.According to western astrology the period between 23rd November to 21st December belongs to the Sunsign Sagittarius.Thus ur zodiac sign or Sunsign by western astrology is Sagittarius as already answered above by someone else.
However ur name shows you to be an Indian and in India more importance is given to the moonsign and the ascendant.In popular parlance in India the moonsign is called as one's raashi and the ascendant is called lagna.Ur lagna cannot be correctly calculated in the absence of the details relating to place of birth.Ur moonsign or Raashi by the Indian system is Kumbha.

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