Can you help to analyze my date of birth?!


Can you help to analyze my date of birth?

I was born October 1st, 1979 at 5:27 pm in Ohio. Can you tell me any details about what moon...what's rising...what's in store for me...what my astro sign (Libra) means...etc. Especially in the area of career and baby. Only serious answers please. Thanks.


Planets: Houses:
Sun: 08° 09' Libra in 7. house
Ascendant: 17° 28' Pisces (your personality)
Moon: 14° 08' Aquarius (your emotions) in 12. house
2nd house: 01° 34' Taurus
Mercury: 21° 60' Libra (your intellect) in 7. house
3rd house: 00° 44' Gemini
Venus: 18° 14' Libra (the way you are in love) in 7. house
4th house: 23° 13' Gemini
Mars: 04° 11' Leo (your sexual desires) in 5. house
5th house: 14° 35' Cancer
Jupiter: 00° 31' Virgo (your ambitions, career) in 6. house
6th house: 09° 51' Leo
Saturn: 19° 56' Virgo in 7. house
7th house: 17° 28' Virgo
Uranus: 18° 46' Scorpio in 8. house
8th house: 01° 34' Scorpio
Neptune: 17° 60' Sagittarius in 9. house
9th house: 00° 44' Sagittarius
Pluto: 18° 39' Libra in 7. house
Midheaven: 23° 13' Sagittarius (the way others persieve you)
Vertex: 24° 42' Virgo
11. house: 14° 35' Capricorn
East Point: 21° 57' Pisces
12. house: 09° 51' Aquarius

You should succeed in SALES, public relations, personnel management, or law. You also excel in arbitration, mediation, and counseling. Happy marriage. Prosperity through marriage. Confused interaction with in-laws. Love of money. You are a natural for making and accumulating money. Secrets regarding joint finances and possibly trouble with legacies. Good fortune and good things. You may have more than one career in your lifetime. Communication is one of your finest assets. Sudden inexplicable changes in moods. Your hair-trigger temper can fly whenever, even toward those close to you.

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