Any astrologer your opinion please?!


Any astrologer your opinion please?

I have Uranus by T in my 4th house approaching conjunction to Venus by 1degree. trine my jupiter in the 8th exact and trine my Asc approaching by 8 degrees, Neptune in my 10th is in Mutual reception with my venus

Sat in the 9th approaching opp my intercepted Sun in the 3rd

Pluto approaching the moon in the 8th by 3 degrees

thank you

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2 months ago
2 people say it is bad. Are you professionals? Bad in what way/


I would need to see your chart to do a good commentary on it. You have a lot going on there.
Uranus conj Venus-uranus is the stronger of the two and will make you restless. depending on the sign and house will give more details.
Intercepted 3rd and 9th house- problems with communication or siblings. Like i asaid depends on sign how this will be acted out.
Sun opposite Saturn- reserved person, may lack self confidence or even be tired all the time.

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