Do male Caner hold grudeges? he hasn't talk to me since dinner time, I'm a Virgo!


Do male Caner hold grudeges? he hasn't talk to me since dinner time, I'm a Virgo.?

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2 months ago
do I apologize or do just let it go, I admit I have a sharp tongue



"I sometimes dig for butter rolls, Or set limed twigs for crabs:

I sometimes search the grassy knolls For wheels of Hansom-cabs:

And that's the way," (he gave a wink) "By which I get my wealth-

And very gladly will I drink Your Honor's noble health."

A taciturn expert at circumlocution he is. A scatterbrain and a chatterbox he is not. Don't expect this man to bare his soul when he first meets you. Cancerians never confide in strangers, and there are certain things even their best friends don't know. It will take a long time and a fair amount of patience to really know him. If you catch him in one of his cantankerous moods, you may not be very anxious to really know him, but try again. Don't give up so easily.

He can be flirtatious and fickle, but he can also be sensi­tive and loyal. Without warning, that wrinkled frown can be replaced by a gentle smile. His crabby complaints aad gruff manner can warm slowly into a tender tone, just before he breaks into a deep chuckle, a muffled giggle or loud, hysterical lunar laughter. When he's sad and wistful, you'll want to put your arms around him, and soothe away his melancholy. When he's showing off his sharp, intuitive mind, you'll stare at him in awe. His caution will impress you. His pessimism will depress you.

He can be so courtly, courteous, and considerate, you half expect him to ask you to dance the Virginia Reel. There's no question that he's a romantic dreamer, yet he's so sensible and practical, his enemies may call him "Old Marble Nose" behind his back. What do you do with a man like this?

You try to understand him. These aren't changes of per­sonality. They're simply lunar moods, moving across his consciousness, here today-gone tomorrow. Both during and between each mood, the Cancer man is true to him­self. His nature never deviates from its basic mold, despite the changes of expression that play on his features. Always try to remember that although a Cancerian's manner can be rough and aloof, his heart is always soft and affection­ate, and so full of sentiment it often makes him feel too vulnerable. Then he crawls into his convenient shell (the one he carries with him at all times), safe for a while from his own emotions. You'll think he's a real crab and give up when he retreats into injured silence. But the next time he cautiously peeks out to see the sunshine, you'll be tempted all over again to get close to him. Unfortunately, a Cancer male can be a regular wet dishrag now and then, disparaging everything and everybody, and splashing gloom in big, blue drops all over your ego. Yet, at other times he can be as funny as an orangutan with the hiccups. No wonder you don't know whether to give him a cold shoulder or a warm hug. The temperature changes of a Cancerian could puzzle anyone. First you shiver under his freezing glances, then you get smothered with devotion. His moods are the meanest when he's the most afraid of losing something. Maybe it's you. Reassure him you're his a thousand and one times. Words of love are music to his ears.

Of course, he may wade into one of his loony spells right in the middle of a tender scene some night under a full Moon. Just when you're drifting away on lovely dreams, he may offer to tell you his favorite poem. You'll sigh, lean back on his shoulder and close your eyes. Then he'll cackle something like, "The stag at Eve had drunk his fill-where danced the Moon on Monan's rill. He blew his nose and shined his shoes-and took a swig of Mountain booze!" It may jolt you out of your magic spell, but that full Moon can do strange things to the lunar emotions. What I mean is, he can be as nutty as a cuckoo, even if he is smart enough to make a million dollars and keep it.

I'm glad we brought up money. You will be too. If you're the kind of girl who likes to pay the rent on time, you're in love with exactly the right man. He's almost as fond of security as he is of you. You may have a slight edge, but you can safely consider money your worst rival. He's going to pursue it with dedication and a sort of quiet, religious fervor for most of his days. (The nights may bring other things to pursue.) It's not the worst fate you could ex­perience. Finances have fascinated him since childhood, and saving will be substantially more attractive to him than spending. He's not exactly stingy, but let's say it's not likely you'll ever see him lighting his pipe with a dollar bill for a parlor trick. The Cancerian sense of humor seldom takes in the topic of cold, hard cash. Money is not a laughing matter to the crab. He could probably add a column of figures in his head before he learned the alphabet, and had a paper route when he was eleven. Don't be surprised if you find he still has his first piggy bank, unopened. The tinkle of silver and the rustle of fold­ing green paper soothe his nerves, but he won't brag about his Dun and Bradstreet rating. Cancerians seldom collect cash for status. They collect it for its own sweet sake. In fact, he will probably belittle his financial wizardry. He's "just a poor boy, trying to earn a living, and getting along the best he can." You may even feel so sorry for him, you'll offer to get him a loan at the bank. Don't. He proba­bly owns part of it.

A fire sign on the ascendant may give him a rare ex­travagant urge, which he'll resist with admirable courage. Even if he gives in to an occasional spending spree to cheer himself out of a blue mood, it won't become a habit. Be-foi-e you start mumbling "tightwad" under your breath, you should know that the Cancer man has an interesting idta of economy. He'd rather take you out to the best restaurant, and get what he pays for, than risk offending his sensitive tastes with over-cooked lamb chops and in­different service in a second-rate place. He thinks it's silly to waste money on a cloth coat, when a mink or chinchilla will amortize itself over the years. A good, conservative Cadillac or Bentley is a safer investment, in his opinion, thqn a cheap car that depreciates as soon as you drive it around the comer. Quality and thrift are synonymous to the Cancerian. There, I thought that would bring the sparkle back to your eyes.

£ven the most poetic and dreamy Cancerians, who spend their lives immersed in music, art or other cultural pursuits, have a shrewd sense of the value of cash. A lunar artist may paint in an attic, but you needn't send him any Care packages. There are probably some stocks and bonds hidden in the rafters. He won't donate his paintings, either. He'll sell them for a pretty price, if he's a professional. But they'll be worth it. When a Cancer person tackles a career, he's sure to be at the top of it. He's loaded with artistic talent. You might suggest that your Cancer man design your Christmas cards. They're sure to be lovely, even if he's only an amateur.

If he's a true Cancerian, he won't be wild about sports clothes. There's a certain formality about his toilet. Whether be'ss worth billions or only a few paltry thousands, he likes conservative cuts and good tailoring. He often leans- to colllar buttons (yes, they still sell them-to Cancerians), French cuffs and expensive shirts he gets wholesale, usually without monograms (too showy; he prefers to be incon­spicuous). Even when he's short of cash for a brief period whiile he's working on his first million, his shoes will be poliished and his socks will stay up. During any shaky financial period (and it will be temporary), a Cancer male will. somehow exude an air of genteel rich, or one who has known better days. If he hasn't, he will. Fairly sub­stantial amounts of money will someday come to this man, or he'll be given the opportunity to earn large sums of it. He won't always be wealthy, but a Cancerian in the un-emrsloyment line is as rare as a pineapple tree in Si beria. His secret motto is that "all play and no work gives Jack a skinny billfold," and he prefers his wallets pleasingly plump.

Let's hope you find his mother congenial. In fact, let's pray you do. It's fairly certain she'll pop up in his con­versation frequently, in remarks like, "My mother never wears much makeup, and she's a beautiful woman. Don't you think your eye shadow is a little heavy, sweetheart?" Or "You use frozen pies and instant potatoes? My mother used to bake her own bread when I was a youngster." This paragon of virtue is quite likely to pop up just as often in person, when you least expect it. "Darling, I have to cancel our date for the theater tonight. I'm driving Mother out to the country for a few days." To put it mildly, the Cancer man may be reluctant to dethrone Mama and crown you as his new queen. He's a terribly domesticated crab, for all his occasional stirrings of wanderlust, and if his mother made his home cozy, he'll be in no hurry to leave it. Cancerians are either very, very close to their mothers or completely alienated from them. The relationship is never casual. Those who don't revere the maternal parent are either adopted, or jealousy of the father's place in the mother's affection has caused an emotional block. Then there can be an unnatural coldness and isolation.

With the typical crab, however, the problem is far more likely to be closeness. There's no use hiding the facts of life. If you're in love with this more common type of Cancerian, you'll have to cultivate his mother, and you'll have to be her rival while you're showering her with compliments. It's not easy to cultivate and compete at the same time, but that's the strategy you'll need. Don't ever let her get the edge on cooking and homemaking. Let her teach you how to bake lemon chiffon pie. He'll like that -you two girls getting along so nicely. Then turn around and do a brilliant beef Stroganoff on your own. Be sure to spoil him at least as much as she does, and that may be a lot. He's probably grown accustomed to being considered the apple of her eye. Being fussed over, fed regularly, catered to, hovered over when he's sick, and tucked in bed tenderly at night can turn him into a mighty sweet crab. Cancer men will never admit it, but they love to be petted and babied by females.

There are certain traits, however, which can even up the score in your relationship. For one, he'll be a pretty good chef himself. He may surprise you with his ability to whip up a gourmet meal. When this man invites you to come up to his apartment for dinner, he's usually quite serious. Even if he asks you to look at his etchings, there may be no ulterior motive. The typical Cancerian male is a devotee of the finer things in life. In plain talk, he diga culture. For all you know, he may actually own some rare etchings or at least a fabulous record collection. You're fairly safe in risking an unchaperoned trip to his rocky cave, because the typical lunar man is the soul of gallantry with women. Hell usually be a gentleman until you stop being a lady. It's the way they did it in Grandma's day, and to him, those were the good old days. (That's proba­bly Grandma's photograph on the mantel.) Ask him about his family tree. He'll love to tell you. Most Cancerians delight in their backgrounds and their blood lines. He likea old things, from Grandma herself to that Eighteenth Cen­tury fruitwood table he bought the first time he went to Europe.

If he asks to take your picture, don't grab your babushka and run. Photography is a common lunar hobby, and few Cancer males live their lives without at least one camera. Of course, he could have Venus in Scorpio or a Leo Moon, so maybe it would be more discreet to check his natal chart before you agree to anything. Whatever it is, just say, "I'd love to, dear, but do you mind if I call my astrologer first? I'll need your birthday." If he thinks you're jesting, you can straighten that out right away. Just tell him that J. P. Morgan seldom made a move in the stock market without consulting astrologer Evangeline Adams, who was the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of John Quincy Adams and John Adams. The combination of both history and money will open his eyes wide with interest.

The Cancer man may go for quite a spell without inviting you to see either his etchings or his fruitwood table. Al­though he may engage in light flirtations, it may be many years before he becomes seriously enamoured, because it isn't easy for him to find a woman he feels is worthy of his interest. When he finds her, he'll be beautifully senti­mental, and he'll lavish her with gifts and admiration. But his standards are high. Not every girl can meet them. Most crabs are afraid of being burned, and not without cause. A mismatched alliance which would cause only a few sad weeks of readjustment for the average man can be a dis­aster to the crab. When something separates him from a partner he's allowed himself to get close to, he can carry a torch for many years.

He's naturally shy of rushing in, but once he's sure, he won't be easily rebuffed. Cancerians can play the role of the romantic lover artfully. After he's declared himself, and has some hope of winning you, his timidity will switch to tenacity overnight, and you'll find yourself being courted by an earnest, determined man who won't take no as an answer for any proposal he has in mind. He's likely to stuff himself in your mailbox (figuratively, of course), camp on your doormat and monopolize your phone. It's hard to slide away from the grip of the crab. You probably won't want to, of course. Lots of girls are looking for a moonlit world like his to dream in, where someone will hold them tightly and protect them from the big, bad wolf at the door.

Now that you know he's not a sloppy dresser or a spend-thrift, that he can probably cook like a dream, has excellent taste, is looking for an old-fashioned girl like the girl who married dear old dad, and that he can be a cooing lovebird (when he's not in a snappy mood), what other information could you possibly need? How is he as a father? That's the best news of all. Cancerians are all mothers at heart. Even the men.

What I really mean to say is, he'll be a fine parent, be­cause of the same caring, gentle, sympathetic, and under­standing nature you fell in love with yourself. He'll have infinite padence with the children, be genuinely interested in every mashed toe, broken toy and toothache. Hell wear a paper hat at their birthday parties, be a pied piper for all the kids on the block, and spend countless hours entertain­ing the little people. Cancer dads are proud of their sons and fiercely protective of their daughters. When they're small, he'll be just the grandest daddy you could imagine. However, adolescence may chum up the water somewhat. He'd like his loved ones to lean on him forever, and when they show signs of independence, he may become a cranky crab again for a period, as he rebels against their desire to experiment with the world outside.

Hell pace the floor until he wears a hole in the carpet when young Henry has the car out after midnight or when pretty Lucy stays at the dance past her curfew. Remember how figures impress him? Use plain ar thmetic to make him see the error of his ways. "It's like this, dearest. Right now

we have two children. When they get married, we might have six or eight grandchildren, like dividends at the bank. :

Six or eight adds up to more happiness than two, right?" (You have him there.) "I'm so glad you agree, luv. Now will you please tell us where you hid Lucy's wedding gown, and will you please take those handcuffs off Henry so he can pick up his marriage license?" Don't try it dur­ing a full Moon. He might misunderstand. Besides, no Cancerian can think straight when the lunar vibrations are strong. It's hard for him to give up control, but when he's reminded that he still has you to cling to, his grip will


Well, that's all in the future. Your immediate problem is to entice your crab to move directly toward a proposal soon, instead of cleverly dodging from side to side and skirting the issue. You might try pretending you're leaving him for a bolder, cave man type. Usually the crab will stop his backward direction when the object-that's you -shows signs of getting away. But that requires scouting around for another man to wake him up. And that can be a real bore, since he watches you so closely.

The easiest way to get him in the mood to take hold tightly and stop playing scrabble every night is to work on his emotions, which are always right below the surface of his adding machine mind. Music, poetry, flowers, beautiful clothes, expensive perfume sparingly used, soft words and sweet caresses are all weapons which should mow down his weak resistance to romance. Don't overlook that direct line between his heart and his stomach. Cut out baby pictures from magazines, leave your sewing machine out in full view, take up the hems of your skirts an extra inch, and baby him a little. Wear one of those bracelets made of foreign coins. That will strike two sensitive chords-travel to faraway shores-and cash. One night he'll impulsively ask you if you'd like to meet his mother. The very next morning feel perfectly safe to order your invitations and your trousseau. You will have won the heart of a moody lunar man with a thousand secret dreams-and the ap­proval of his best girl. Then you can "sail away for a year and a day" and "dance by the light of the moon" while you "eat with a runcible spoon." Bon voyage! Don't forget-never throw away his battered old hat, his torn tennis shoes, his stamp collection or his grade school report cards. They're his treasures. Be sure to take your umbrella along. There will be some damp nights. May I say that you look beautiful in your chinchilla? But of course. A woman is beautiful only when she is loved-and you are.

Cancer subjects are emotional individuals, possessed of great depth and endowed with a dreamy, imaginative quality which makes any love affair more of a romantic interlude than a physical attraction. Cancer individuals can be swept off their feet by love, but are quite capable of marrying wisely and putting earlier, less suitable sweethearts completely out their minds when the time comes to choice of a partner. Basically, Cancer natives possess a great deal of sex appeal. They are blessed with definite charm and often attract others without realizing it. Cancer persons are usually totally unaware of the effect they might be having on the opposite sex and thus, are frequently considered to be heart-breakers. Although emotional, these can sometimes be quite unsympathetic souls when it comes to the problems of others...not so much from coldness, but more due to the inherent desire of Cancer subjects to protect themselves from unnecesary danger. At such times, those born under the Sign of Cancer are grateful for the tough outer shell associated with the crab which guards the soft center, tending to scuttle away from any romantic showdown.

In love, Cancer natives are prone to be tactless and unaware of the needs of the other partner until attention is drawn to the fact. Nevertheless, these individuals are most certainly full of good intentions and would never intentionally hurt another. It is important for those governed by Cancer to learn that happiness comes from within. Such individuals suffer much from relatives and friends...their sicknesses or their problems. Although Cancer is basically healthy and independent of spirit, he or she is often in touch with the troubles of life through others...despite the tendency of Cancer to run away. If a Cancer individual should happen to associate with the wrong partner, then it is likely to result in a very unhappy state of affairs for a long time since Cancer natives rarely have the courage to admit they are wrong. On the other hand, if they find the right partner, then success, contentment and fulfillment will invariably follow as a natural course of events. When attracted to the opposite sex, Cancer persons tend to drop subtle clues rather than being overtly forward. Somewhat old-fashioned in beliefs, the perfect date in the mind of a Cancer would be theater tickets, a dimly-lit, secluded restaurant or cultural event. Being romantic day-dreamers, Cancer individuals reflect on the past and will show an interest in personal stories, particularly with a view to relating some of their own. It is necessary for any prospective partner to show an acute interest in such sentimentality when old pictures and such other items are brought out for display.

In the matters of the heart, those who fall under the jurisdiction of Cancer demand total devotion. In return, they will constantly cherish and protect the chosen mate. Any partner who can provide Cancer with an enormous amount of attention and constant reasurrance will have found the perfect mate in this Sign. The rewards for such a union will be affection, romance and sympathy, together with a very healthy dash of seduction thrown into the mix. It should be noted, however, that emotional and financial security is of the utmost importance in any Cancer relationship. Cancer natives are vigorously adverse to frivolous spending which, to them, symbolizes a loss of control and security. Since those ruled by Cancer possess excellent memories and are prone to jealousy, they recall past situations very easily and it would be a tremendous mistake to ever be insincere to a Cancer subject. This would be perceived as betrayal and it often takes Cancer natives a very long time to forgive and fact a Cancer subject may never actually forget at all. Once wounded in such an emotional sense, there will likely be something of a void in the relationship for evermore.

In brief summary, if in a solid and secure relationship, Cancer natives can easily support the nuances of a long-term partnership since this Sign naturally nourishes and supplements the changing nature of the union. However, it is necessary that any chosen partner understand Cancer's emotional vulnerability and how such individuals cope with that, given their built-in defense mechanisms. Those born under the jurisdiction of Cancer are undeniably prone to a certain moodiness, but such is the way they learn to bend and flow, providing what is required to nurture those around them. The more a partner learns to enhance the ability of Cancer to detach from what is going on around him or her, and learns the truth of their own power of emotional freedom, then the less the natural moodiness of Cancer will manifest in overt ways.

Cancer indiviudals thrive on admiration and praise. They need to be asked for their opinion and it is most important to be sincere when hearing their response. Since Cancer hates rejection and is usually extremely cautious about making any form of committment, he or she will often try to avoid giving an answer and must never be rushed into providing one. Indeed, if the answer is likely to be a negative one, then the Cancer native will typically go to any lengths in order to avoid the subject completely. At their best, Cancer partners are loyal, supportive, nurturing, compassionate, caring, dedicated, emotionally faithful, tender, pampering and adoring. At worse, they are possessive, jealous, moody, volatile, controlling, dependent and prone to suffer from depression.


Cancer individuals live within their deep feelings while Virgo natives are more pragmatic in character, being aloof and practical. The approach to life of this pairing will, therefore, be different but not totally incompatible. Both tend to be nitpickers...although Cancer tends to be more relaxed, not being consumed with details in quite same manner as the critical perfectionist which is Virgo. Thus, this couple can be quite complimentary and supportive of each other, provided Virgo's criticial views do not hurt Cancer's sensibilities. Both are prone to being homebodies and are committed to those they care for. In this Cancer/Virgo combination, Virgo will most certainly benefit from Cancer's ability to get things moving, and Cancer is more "up front" by nature while Virgo is usually more than content to linger in the background. The danger here is that the Cancer partner will eventually feel neglected and hurt by Virgo's lack of attention. This relationship has much potential, but it will ultimately be the responsibility of the Virgo partner to put forth the most effort in making things work.

Both of these Signs require money to satisfy their need for security and each will help the other save for a rainy day...which the Virgo partner will be absolutely convinced is sure to come. This should prove an easy task since both Cancer and Virgo are reliable workers and dependable characters. It will be important, however, for Cancer not to be possessive of the Virgo partner...and when Cancer becomes cranky, then Virgo needs to curb the tendency to be caustic or critical. In such an instance, it might be best for Cancer to take a deep breath and hide...or simply have a good cry and get it over with. In short, neither of these two like to waste money and both will enjoy simply staying home. Unfortunately, since both Cancer and Virgo are inherently inclined to suffer from mood swings, this could result in one severely grating on the nerves of the other. While Cancer experiences periods of melancholy, concern, worry and nostalgia (which Virgo finds hard to understand or even be sympathetic about), Virgo is more likely to become suddenly irritated and irascible over minor annoyances. At such times, the Virgo character is capable of intense sarcasm and criticism, which can be extremely disconcerting to Cancer's tender feelings. Thus, it will be necessary for Virgo to exercise prudence and for Cancer to strive toward forgiveness when things go somewhat awry. The Cancer/Virgo combination is capable of enormous each other and to any children born of the union. Taking care of one another seems to come naturally to this particular Zodiac pairing.

Relationships between Virgo's and Cancer's work well. They share a love for their home and quiet lives. While Cancer's may complain about Virgo's strive for perfectionism and Virgo's complain about Cancer's tendency to be overemotional, the relationship works. These two share a deep understanding along with a warm and loving nature.

Virgo + Cancer

Earth + Water = Mud

Virgo and Cancer are both sensitive female signs. There will be a rich and fertile combination of energies, on all levels, when the two of you get together. The sensitive Moon, which rules Cancer, plus your intellectually brilliant ruler, Mercury, combine in a very dramatic play of celestial forces.

You will probably meet via some mutual friendship. Cancer can be a great friend and very sympathetic, but at times you will have trouble understanding them — they are moody and sensitive, and their emotions swing from one extreme to the other. This is a little outside Virgo’s domain.

If you ask a Cancerian to think things through, they’ll look at you as if you’re mad, and ask, ‘But can’t you feel what I’m feeling?’ You probably can, but being a Virgo, you need to think as well as feel.

Cancer’s response could really exasperate you at times. You are at opposite ends of the spectrum in the way you deal with problems – Cancer, emotionally, and you, intellectually.

However, Cancer is a sign that is basically friendly to you. This means you can slowly but surely accept and start experiencing their responsive side. Likewise, Cancer will become more reasonable about things as the connection between you gets stronger. Your love will grow over time.

There’s one very important thing that you will need to learn to do: keep a tight rein on your tendency to judge and criticise. Cancer is sensitive, to say the least, and will not be able to handle incessant demands for perfection.

This will, unfortunately, also apply in the area of sexuality. Make sure you don’t ask for ‘performances’ that aren’t in tune with Cancer’s easy-going, slower and more receptive nature.

You’ll feel an instant friendship with Cancerians born between 22 June and 3 July. Most of your time will be spent in social activities, and it is through friendship that your love will strengthen. You can rely on each other to be there during the good and the bad times.

Cancerians born between 4 July and 13 July are not only very sensitive; they are also prone to explosive outbursts. It’s not a good idea to criticise them too much. They may seem very shy, but they won’t think twice about letting you know when you’ve crossed the line.

You have really strong and long standing ties with any Cancer born between 14 July and 22 July. You and these Cancerians will have a most satisfying emotional and physical relationship.


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