Give me the most fullest description that u can of a libra....?!


Give me the most fullest description that u can of a libra....?


A libra woman is charm personified.
She has grace and is inspired by beauty. She won't do anything to hurt anyone, because it upsets her sense of harmony inside.
However, she is beset by turmoil, because the world as we know it is seldom beautiful - or to her liking. She will try to make the world a nice place, especially for herself and those she regards fondly.

Libra is ruled by venus, so a Libra woman is a superfemale. Many women are jealous of her because her feminine qualities come so easily, and she's naturally beautiful.
She acts as though she's superior, as that's what she is, but the judge in her will always treat others fairly.

Many libra women are plain, but they always possess the spiritual quality that is so attractive to the opposite sex. Usually, a photograph that looks like a victorian model with rosy cheeks and cupid bow lips belong to libra, or a woman born under venusian influence.

Her mind is like a steel trap; she wins men in debates but never lets on, only desiring equality and not lording over. She is oftentimes described as the steel hand in a velvet glove because her strength is seen by the grace with which she carries out her duties.

The lost libra woman is a pet for many men, usually older, who desire an arm candy. She thus moves from relationship to relationship trying to find her prince charming to live happily ever after but is disappointed everytime.

What she needs to learn is inner balance, for with that, anything is possible.

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