Both taurus.................???????!


Both taurus.................??...

Younger and Older bulls...wat are the chances??(both females),
save your Holier than tho opinions!!!!...Love is Love.


Since you're birds of a feather, or rather humans of a zodiac sign, you have the potential to grow closer than most couples. Just remember that when you're involved with a Taurus, you're involved with a sensualist, a nature lover, an indulger and a money lover. If you can give each other security, beauty, nature and pleasure you have a better chance of getting each other's love and affection.

For each of you, the force of habit is strong. More than likely, you're both determined, purposeful and persistent. This relationship is a test of wills. Neither one of you is easily pushed, pulled or pressured. Once you commit to each other, this relationship can become steady, stable and a powerhouse. Stand firm on the conviction that you are working to overcome inertia together.

Both Taurus and Taurus are somewhat practical, and concerned with material comfort and security. Each of you favors "the real world." Neither of you likes to take chances with your time, money, energy or feelings. You're both dependable and a bit conservative.

TIP: The two of you could do very well in the right business together.

Both Taurus and Taurus like to touch nice things, own nice things, wear nice things, eat nice things and have nice things. For each of you, touch or the physical world is real and gives comfort. In fact, "I Have" is something of a philosophy you share.

Essentially, you both need to be assured that everything's O.K., safe and secure. Once that's taken care of you are ready for gracious living. That is to say, you need some good food, antique furniture and passionate sex.

For each of you it is important to acquire some mastery over the physical, practical and earthly world. Then, paradoxically, you must learn to let go. You will only find security by acquiring a sense of self that is separate from what you possess. Actually, it's not so much about what you possess, but about not being in "survival jeopardy."

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