Star signs...????!


Star signs...????

People say some signs go with others can anyone tell which goes with which??
I am a Cancerian who needs to know!!!!!


They say opposites attract.
Air to Fire
Water to Earth

Compatibilities exist with
Air to Water
Earth to Fire

It is suggested that diagonals don't mix well and often have problems that they find difficult to settle.
Air to Earth = represents war
Water to Fire = represents fog

Leadership signs also get along well with each other.
Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Aries and Cancer are great leaders to start projects, but often are weak to finish.

Librans and Capricorns are great finishers, but poor starters.

So Aries would be good with a Libra or Capricorn, but not a Cancer.
Cancer is good with a Libra or Capricorn, but not Aries.
Libra with Aries or Cancer, but not Capricorn.
Capricorn with Aries or Cancer, but not Libra.

So basically.

Air = Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Fire = Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Water = Scorpio, Cancer, pisces
Earth = Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

The order they rank is the same as your strongest attraction. Example Gemini-Aries, Libra-Leo, Aquarius-Sagittarius, Scorpio-Virgo, and so on.

Many possibilities exist as long as you make it work. Only thing recommended is to stay away from the signs that are not your opposite or adjacent (meaning next to).

Air - stay away from ground
Water - stay away from fire
Earth - stay away from air
Fire - stay away from water

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