I am an AQUARIUS FEMALE (FEB 7) What can you tell me about me??? Thanks~!!!~?!


I am an AQUARIUS FEMALE (FEB 7) What can you tell me about me??? Thanks~!!!~?


The Water Bearer

Modality: Fixed
Element: Air
Ruler: Uranus
Season: Winter
11th Sign of Zodiac

Metal: Uranium
Stone: Amethyst
Color: Sky Blue
Anatomy: Ankles, shins, circulation

Keywords: individualistic, assertive, independent, humanitarian, inventive, original, eccentric, opinionated, intellectual, idealistic, cool, friendly, detached

Comparison with its symbol, the Water Bearer: The symbol for Aquarius is the Water Bearer, symbolically and eternally giving life and spiritual food to the world. The water from the vessel washes away the past, leaving room for a fresh, new start. The sign of Aquarius is forward-looking and growth-oriented. Concerned with equality and individual freedom, Aquarius seeks to dispense its knowledge, and its vision of equality and individuality, to all.

The glyph for Aquarius depicts the water from the water bearer's vessel, as a symbol of open-ended spiritual energy.

Sun in Aquarius

(The Sun is in Aquarius from approximately January 20 to February 18, depending on the year).
One of the standout characteristics of those born under the Sun Sign of Aquarius is their unwillingness to follow the beaten track. With advancement and progress on their minds, there can be an irreverence to old and outdated ways of thinking and doing things.

Many Aquarians aim to free themselves of personal and social conditioning. Although open to change in theory, Aquarians can be surprisingly stubborn. Their idealism runs strong, but they can be very fixed in their opinions.

Often a bit aloof and even standoffish, Aquarians nonetheless are usually well-liked. They are curious and observant, and tolerant in a broad sense. Prejudice and bias is offensive to the typical Aquarius.

Aquarians are generally very clever, witty, and intellectual. They value progress and frankness. It's difficult to throw Aquarians for a loop—they're generally on top of things.

There is a bit of reformer in Aquarius. They'll try to get you to see through superficiality, and encourage you to be open and forthright. "Be true to yourself" and "Don't follow the crowd" are mottos we easily associate with this sign.

Aquarians need space and value personal freedom. Any attempt to box them in will likely fail. They'll happily return the favor; and they will treat people from all walks of life as equals. Equality and fairness are hallmarks of the sign. If you're quirky and "different", all the better.

Some Famous People with Sun in Aquarius: Richard Dean Anderson (Sun and Venus in Aquarius), Jennifer Aniston (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius), Nick Carter (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius), Geena Davis, Ellen DeGeneres (Sun and Venus in Aquarius), Matt Dillon (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Aquarius), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Jack Nicklaus, Tom Selleck, Jerry Springer (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius), Rob Thomas (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Aquarius), Justin Timberlake (Sun and Mars in Aquarius), Vanna White (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Oprah Winfrey (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Virginia Woolf (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius)

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius people are extremely observant. They are life-time students of human nature, loving to analyze why people do what they do. This often stems from a detached—even shy—personality, especially in youth. Whether due to character or conditioning, Moon in Aquarius people often grow up feeling "different". Although rather sociable, they are often loners at heart. Many have strong egos, or at least powerful defense mechanisms, and most Lunar Aquarians will do their best to be the most unique and unusual person they can be. Their inner feeling of loneliness—that they don't quite fit in—puts them on the outside, looking in.
There is a very idealistic and progressive streak in Lunar Aquarians that is admirable indeed. However, when the Moon is in Aquarius, natives often will deny the more irrational qualities of emotions—such as jealousy, possessiveness, and fear—in an effort to be "above" what they consider "pettiness". When this goes too far, Lunar Aquarians can be emotionally blocked, distant, and detached.

Lunar Aquarians can be very willful, especially in childhood. With age, these natives generally learn to handle their strong needs. Their desire for independence is powerful indeed, no matter what their age. With a quiet Sun and/or Ascendant, their desire to "shock" others is not always apparent until a relationship becomes comfortable. They are generally proud of their family members, boasting just how unique they are. When their families are ultra-conservative, the boast will be that they rebelled against all of that!

Although given to temper tantrums and willful behavior in youth, Moon in Aquarius people often grow up feeling that messy emotions are unappealing. They often pride themselves for being cool-headed, detached, and "above" what they consider the more base emotions. In the process, they can end up alienating others--and themselves. Although Lunar Aquarians can be especially adept at understanding others' behavior and motivations, they can lose touch with their own—simply because they have identified too strongly with what they aspire to be (and these aspirations are often super-human).

The Aquarian tendency to be humanitarian shows up powerfully in Moon in Aquarius. However, their kindness and concern for others is generally more a broad philosophy of life. With people close to them, Moon in Aquarius natives can seemingly lack compassion, as they often fully expect others to be as independent and detached as they are! In close, personal relationships, however, Lunar Aquarians generally give others a lot of personal freedom, and they will tolerate and enjoy all kinds of idiosyncrasies in people around them.

Moon in Aquarius people are rarely flighty people, but they can be unreliable when it concerns the little things in life. Often, this is simply an assertion of their independence. In the long haul, however, they are rather constant, as Aquarius is a fixed sign. As long as they have their own space and the freedom to be themselves, however kooky that may be, they are trustworthy and loyal.

Lunar Aquarians generally make wonderful friends. They'll make a point of leaving nobody on the outside. Many will fight for other's rights and crusade for equality.

What may be surprising is that Moon in Aquarius people have a lot of pride. In fact, when they've been attacked in any way (especially regarding their character), they can become very inflexible and cool. It can be difficult to know just how sensitive to criticism Lunar Aquarians are, simply because they hide it so well! When their character or behavior has been criticized, they tend to dig in their heels and keep right on doing it. They fully expect others to accept them exactly as they are, or they don't have much use for them in their lives.

These sometimes maddeningly unpredictable people are nevertheless quite charming. They have an unmistakable stubborn streak, but when left to be themselves, they make unusual and endlessly interesting people to be around. Life just wouldn't be the same without Lunar Aquarians' unusual spin on the world and the people in it!

Some Famous people with Moon in Aquarius: J. C. Chasez, George Clooney, Russell Crowe, David Duchovny, Calista Flockhart, John Lennon, George Lucas, Tobey Maguire, Marilyn Monroe, Conan O'Brien, Princess Diana, Britney Spears, Rob Thomas (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Aquarius), Christopher Walken (Moon and Mars in Aquarius)

Mercury in Aquarius

Unconventional in self-expression, Mercury in Aquarius natives enjoy breaking the rules. They are not necessarily loud or flamboyant people, but they often have a quiet way of stirring others up. These natives delight in exposing what they deem biases in others' way of thinking.
Very quick to contradict others, and to offer a different perspective, these natives enjoy intellectual debates. They're very quick and alert, and their powers of observation are particularly strong. They usually "win" debates. In fact, they're very interested in scoring intellectual points, which can be maddening to others at times!

Aquarius is an air sign, which is detached and intellectual by nature. It is also a fixed sign, so people born under Mercury in Aquarius often have an intellectual "agenda". They are even given to forcing their ideas on others. This apparent intellectual superiority complex can intimidate others at times.

On the other hand, Mercury in Aquarius people can make for delightful company. They usually have something interesting to say, and their perspective on issues can be delightfully unusual, quirky, and surprisingly insightful.

These individuals have unusual study habits. They generally are resistant to following schedules, even if they have a Capricorn Sun—and perhaps particularly so with a Pisces Sun sign. Although they are often surprisingly organized, their sense of order may not be entirely understandable to others.

These natives are often attracted to scientific and/or metaphysical pursuits. Anything that promises progress and advancement for mankind has special appeal. Their sense of humor is often well-developed and unique. Practical jokes and anything that shocks and stirs up others are especially appreciated by Mercury in Aquarius people.

Some Famous People with Mercury in Aquarius: Jennifer Aniston (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius), Jon Bon Jovi (Mercury and Mars in Aquarius), Jim Carrey, Nick Carter (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius), Kevin Costner, Matt Dillon (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Aquarius), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Freddie Prinze Jr., Jerry Springer (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius), Rob Thomas (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Aquarius), Vanna White (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Oprah Winfrey (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Virginia Woolf (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius)

Venus in Aquarius

Venus in Aquarius people try to impress you with their open-minded, future-thinking spirit. They want you to see them as unique, rebellious, and a little provocative. They are attractive when they are acting a little aloof. They want you to acknowledge and appreciate that they don't follow the beaten track in matters of the heart.
Venus in Aquarius men and women are attracted to unusual or unconventional relationships. They don't want to follow all the rules, although they may make quite a few of their own. They can appear quite standoffish at times, and are threatened by restrictions of any kind. Emotional types may be put off by their detached manner in love. Venus in Aquarius wants you to love them for their intellect, and to admire their visions. They value lovers who are also good friends, and they avoid emotional displays or confrontations like the plague. Venus in Aquarius will delight in shocking you with their unusual ways and their forward-looking thinking.

Pleasing Venus in Aquarius involves letting them know just how interesting they are. Put up with their occasional need to act superior on an intellectual level -- they are very proud of their unique ideas and visions. Dream along with them, and don't fence them in. They need space and will happily return the favor, giving you lots of room to breathe and to be yourself.

Some Famous People with Venus in Aquarius: Richard Dean Anderson (Sun and Venus in Aquarius), Dido Armstrong (Venus in Aqaurius), Alec Baldwin (Venus and Mars in Aquarius), Billy Bragg, Nicolas Cage, Ellen DeGeneres (Sun and Venus in Aquarius), Walt Disney, Mel Gibson, Elton John, Ricky Martin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Freddie Prinze Jr., Vanna White (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Oprah Winfrey (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius)

Mars in Aquarius

It can be a little difficult to understand exactly what makes a Mars in Aquarius native tick. And that's absolutely fine with them--they enjoy surprising people. The tried-and-true methods of getting things done are far too boring for those born with Mars in this unique and original sign. Mars in Aquarius natives often have a rather original view of the world as well.
These natives are generally quite proud of their independence. They are not easily pushed around with Mars in this fixed sign. Because Aquarius is progressive and open-minded when it comes to the world at large, it can be surprising that on a personal level, Mars in Aquarius natives can be quite obstinate. If they feel boxed in, they are quite likely to rebel. If you've discovered a pattern to their ways, they'll make sure they aren't so predictable the next time around. Being seen as "normal" simply won't do!

With Mars, the planet of energy and drive, in an Air sign, these individuals get off on mental and intellectual pursuits. Aquarius is a somewhat scattered sign, even though it's persevering in the long haul. If there's a method to their madness, it isn't always easy to see. Projects are taken on with a shotgun-style approach with this position of Mars.

Mars in Air signs are generally quite clever at getting what they want; in Aquarius, they are particularly adept at getting their way. While this is not an overtly aggressive position of Mars (Aquarius has a manner that is far too detached to come across too forcefully), it is very willful. Combine willfulness with the cleverness of an Air sign, and you have a person who is quite creative about getting what they want--which generally is getting their way! Unlike with Mars in Aries or Leo natives, for example, you won't always know you're being dominated by a Mars in Aquarius native!

One of the most pleasant characteristics of Mars in Aquarius natives is their willingness to let others be. They place a lot of value in freedom and individuality—theirs and yours. They need space to be themselves and plenty of room to breathe. Generally not the touchy-feely types, these natives often laugh at sentimentality and tradition. In personal relationships, their approach to intimacy is definitely on the detached side, which can be baffling and frustrating to more personal and affectionate personalities.

Of all the personal planets in the sign of Aquarius, Mars placed here can show the strongest "reformer" streak. The Aquarian ideal of equality works big time with this position, and the desire to push their agenda on others (usually in creative, rather than aggressive, ways) runs high. Obstinacy and a superiority complex are this position's least desirable traits; openness to new ways of doing things (as long as they're not forced upon them) is where they shine.

(See also the Sexuality of Mars in Aquarius).

Some Famous People with Mars in Aquarius: Alec Baldwin (Venus and Mars in Aquarius), Jon Bon Jovi (Mercury and Mars in Aquarius), Matt Dillon (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Aquarius), Justin Timberlake (Sun and Mars in Aquarius), Christopher Walken (Moon and Mars in Aquarius)

Aquarius Ascendant

How unique and original Aquarius rising natives come across! These individuals are just that—individuals, and they won't let you forget that fact. Often turned to for advice, these natives possess intellectual poise and savvy. They often are curious, and quite learned, in both science and metaphysics—anything that involves advancement of the human race holds much appeal.
It's hard to shock an Aquarius rising. They've seen it all, or at least want you to think they have. In fact, they often enjoy shocking others. Not that they are flamboyant by nature, but they do like to, albeit quietly, get a rise out of others. Some natives born with Aquarius on their Ascendant can be quietly provocative and irreverent.

Most people with this Ascendant are quite friendly and likable. Their personality quirks generally go over quite well with others. They generally give others quite a bit of freedom—accepting, as a rule, people from all walks of life as equals. And, their somewhat cool and detached curiosity about all that goes on around them appeals to most.

Curiously, Aquarius rising people can be a little standoffish while also coming across as humanitarian and kind.

Often labeled as independent and original children, Aquarius rising natives often feel a little "different" or "special" throughout life. They often feel like they are on the outside looking in, and their ability to observe and deduce is often uncanny. They're also adept at getting things to work, even when the parts that make up the whole seem like a puzzle with unusual pieces—especially when it comes to groups of people. This sets them apart as managers and team leaders.

The Ascendant often reveals physical mannerisms and even choice of dress, as it shows how people present themselves to the world. With Aquarius here, natives sometimes have a quirkiness to their manner, and some dress in a slightly offbeat manner—not enough to make them stand out like a sore thumb, but just enough to express their original temperament.

Because these people seem so open to new ideas, it may be surprising when you encounter their decidedly stubborn streak. Aquarius is a fixed sign, after all. The ascendant sign shows how individuals react to new situations, and with Aquarius rising, there can be a resistance to change that seems to belie the native's generally progressive nature. There's a distinct inflexibility with Aquarian rising people, and, sometimes, a tendency to want to force their opinions on others.

With their eye to the future of mankind as a whole, some people born with an Aquarius Ascendant overlook the more personal needs of the people closest to them. They are often attracted to partners who possess self-confidence and ardor. More on Aquarius Rising.

Celebrity examples of Aquarius rising are Matt Damon, Matt Dillon, Harry Chapin, Willem Dafoe, Wayne Gretzky, Larry Hagman, Alicia Silverstone, Audrey Hepburn, Jim Morrison, and Michael J. Fox.

The Sun is spotlighting your house of family and home all month, and these areas are your instinctive focus during this period. Your family, home, property concerns, roots, and heritage come into focus and become a source of pride. You are likely quite preoccupied with feelings of security and your inner experiences. This is a time when you send down roots and seek a feeling of belonging. You could be thrust into a position of leadership on the home front. Ego confrontations with family members are possible now, but the best way to handle this energy is to do your best to strengthen your relationship to your family and your home base. This is a time to do what you can to build trust in your family life and a strong foundation within yourself, so that regardless of what you meet in the outside world over the next months, you have a secure place to return to. Besides spending more time tending to domestic affairs, the focus can be on cultivating and nourishing your inner foundations that support you and your growth. This is a time to collect yourself--to fill your well, so to speak.

While family and home life figure prominently in May, working aggressively towards financial and career goals is a simultaneous focus. For the time being, avoid borrowing from your future--drawing upon savings meant for other goals, for example--as this can cause you some stress. You are turned to for advice in the first week of the month, when others especially admire your integrity and expertise. A romantic opportunity on the job is possible in the last week of the month, but it’s important to remember that your thinking is not completely clear now.

This month, Jupiter squares Uranus and trines Saturn. These long-term energies have been with us since January and March, respectively. A friend could be integral in achieving your goals, and partnering with a friend in some tangible way can be part of the picture now. You might also enjoy a more goal-oriented, free-spirited, and tolerant relationship with an existing partner--you tend to be "on the same page". Some of you may take a friendship into unexplored romantic territory, or meet a significant person through a friend or group association. This trend lasts several months. However, there could be some problems concerning financial dealings with friends. Or, you could be borrowing from your future--drawing upon savings meant for other goals, for example--for the time being, which causes some stress. Clashes of values with friends or associates may also figure. Try not to instigate change just for the sake of change, and avoid rash behavior. On the other hand, if you look for opportunities, you have more confidence and faith now to do something totally different, and inspiration may be found now. But do avoid blowing off responsibilities while you pursue your new vision.

Your ruler, Uranus, forms stimulating connections to Mercury, the Sun, and Venus on the 5, 8-9, and 24-25, representing opportunity periods for you. On the 5th, intelligence is at its peak. You could be sought after for advice, to speak or teach, or to present an idea. Good news could come your way now. On the 8-9, you feel especially appreciated and acknowledged. This is a strong period for partnership matters as well. The 24-25 is strong for all things Venus--attracting love, gifts, or money! Red flag periods--times when you are not received as well as you would like, or are prone to impulsive, hasty, or ill-timed behavior--occur on the 10-11 and 20, when you may feel neglected, slighted, or unappreciated.

Opportunity periods for personal finances occur on the 1 and 22-23. Speculation and new financial initiatives are best avoided on the 7, 12-14, and 24. Still, on the 24-25, a gift or good financial news could come your way.

As far as romantic and creative matters go, opportunities to enhance or attract romance occur on the 1-2, 8-9, 19-21 (with tension), 22-23, and 26. These periods represent power days for personal magnetism, charisma, and creativity. Issues that could be annoying or disconcerting concerning romantic matters are more likely to occur on the 3-5, 7, 10, 27, and 29. These would be less than ideal days to go on a first date, for example.

Matters related to your career and reputation tend to thrive on the 8-9. Challenges with these matters are more likely to occur on the 3-4, 6-7, 10, 12-14 (especially), 19-20, and 27, when others may not see you in the best light!

Romantic Venus continues to warm your romance and pleasure sector until the 18th. During this cycle, the areas of life where you are most likely to express your social, romantic, and artistic qualities are through a genuine love of life, especially in romantic attachments, hobbies, personal pleasures, and social interests. Your infectious love of life and noble nature ensures social popularity, although, at times, you can be rather theatrical in order to hog the spotlight! You may be more inclined to show off your partner during this cycle. Appreciation of the arts is indicated. There is some predisposition to gambling or other forms of financial speculation now. You are feeling inspired creatively and romantically and you express your loving feelings quite openly now. Creative self-expression of any kind is favored at this time. You will also thoroughly enjoy artistic, musical, or cultural events and activities, especially in the company of a loved one. At this time, you instinctively know how to place yourself in the best light in order to make a good impression on others. Any love affair begun now will be characterized by good cheer, having fun, and a fair share of emotional drama!

Venus brings warmth and grace to your solar sixth house from the 18th. Establishing a happy and harmonious work environment through friendly relations with co-workers or tidying up your work area comes into focus now. Romantic and social activities may revolve around your working environment. You are generally well liked and respected socially on the job right now. Some laziness is possible now, as you tend to associate pleasure with work! Perhaps you are socializing more than usual on the job. You have good team spirit during this cycle, and you are more tactful and obliging with your co-workers. You are less inclined to fall in love for the sake of love itself during this cycle. Your tendency is to consider whether it is clever to do so! You're most successful doing tasks that involve cooperation and team harmony. You could find that your talents or skills are especially appreciated. Romantic and social activities may revolve around your working environment.

Mercury transits your solar fourth house from the 2-16. This is a time when you can enjoy increased powers of concentration. You may require solitude in order to get mental work done during this cycle. Your memory is more retentive than usual, and your thoughts often turn to personal matters, family, and loved ones. You might particularly enjoy discussions about your early life, the past, or family matters during this cycle. In fact, it's a great time to open up conversations with loved ones, as you are more rational when it comes to personal matters now. Your mind often wanders to domestic concerns, and issues surrounding your home, family, and personal past. On the other hand, this transit sometimes indicates an especially busy, and perhaps hectic, period on the domestic scene. For example, you might take home work or find that people drop by your home often during this cycle.

Mercury transits your solar fifth house from the 16th. During this cycle, there is a powerful mental connection with your creative self-expression. You are proud of your ideas, and very good at expressing them to others smoothly now. Your thinking is more creative than usual. You tend to entertain others with your conversation; and your sense of humor (and of mischief!) is especially strong. Your thoughts turn to children, pleasures, or romance during this expressive cycle. You might enjoy researching speculative ventures now. You especially enjoy games that involve competing with others on a mental level. You have a stronger need than usual for intellectual stimulation. Therefore, your friends and romantic partner are best appreciated now if they are intellectual types. You're more willing to take risks on a mental level now, so take advantage of the increased spontaneity and creativity that comes with this position.

Mars continues to activate your solar second house until the 29th. During this cycle, you are inclined to exert energy and initiative into making money and business dealings. You can be more resourceful than usual at this time, but you could also be inclined to rash decisions or risk-taking with money. Circumstances in life are likely to create a situation where you may have to take the lead in handling personal finances. You may be placed in a position where you have to make important monetary decisions yourself. If you have a business, it will be difficult to avoid spending lavishly on equipment and office supplies. A young man or an assertive type of individual may come up with challenging offers and new suggestions. You are more motivated to make money now. At the root of this is likely to be a quest for a sense of personal freedom.

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