Are female saggitarius and male scorpios compatible? My bf & I have strong p!


Are female saggitarius and male scorpios compatible? My bf & I have strong personalities.?


Sagittarius + Scorpio

Fire + Water = Steam

Sagittarius and Scorpio can be terrific mates, because their ruling planets are very compatible. This is a great combination, full of optimism, achievement and fun times. Both of you have a positive view of life, and you’ll be able to accomplish a lot if you put your minds and hearts together.

Your outgoing and daring attitude will make Scorpio feel a little wary when you first meet, but this won’t last long — just remember that Scorpio is serious and needs time to warm up. The relationship can work because you are respectful even though others take you to be pretty direct.

If you find yourself head over heels in love with a Scorpio, the result can be explosive. You will have to draw Scorpio out of their shell and show them how to express their emotions — otherwise, things could get out of hand. Stick to some basic emotional ground rules if you want this partnership not to burn out.

When Scorpio does learn to let go, they will slowly but surely start to enjoy the lighter and more optimistic side of life with you. Your love of travel and of the great outdoors will open Scorpio’s eyes and give them a taste of the freedom and variety that is so much a part of you. You’ll start to see a whole new side to them if you can encourage this part of their character.

Your love life together can also be exciting. Once Scorpio trusts that your openness is not just a front, and you are not going to take advantage of them, they will really open up. And behind their reserve is a jewel waiting to be discovered and enjoyed. Once the shift occurs, the love and passion between the two of you will be impossible for either of you to resist.

Scorpios born between 24 October and 2 November are well suited to Sagittarians born between 2 December and 11 December. This combo is really fiery and passionate, and is probably one of the best matches between your two star signs.

Your most formidable partners will be those born between 3 November and 12 November. There’s a thread joining you astrologically: Jupiter and Neptune are connected to both your star signs. You may share the same big dreams, and go for seemingly unattainable goals together.

Scorpios born between 13 November and 22 November will pretend to be subservient but will show their other side if you get bossy with them: you could arouse their vindictiveness. Don’t take anything for granted with Scorpios born in this period.

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