What is the best...?!


What is the best...?

Astrology site you have been? One that is accurate enough for daily use (one that has horoscopes).

Astrology.com - Been there, done that.

Give me something new and based on experiences, have been pretty accurate than usual phony astrology sites. Thanks. =) the best deserves the best.


The best is the weekly from The Onion! The most entertaining and just as accurate or more! Here are some!

Your Birthday Today
Try and resist the feeling that your birthday is but a special commemoration of your progress toward the grave. It's not that special.

Aries March 21 - April 19
Your drinking is beginning to drive your friends and loved ones away from you, making you wish you'd thought of it much earlier.

Taurus April 20 - May 20
It's useless to sit at home and wish that a crazed masked murderer would take a welding torch and slaughter your town's sexually active teens when you own a perfectly good welder's torch yourself.

Gemini May 21 - June 21
You finally seem to be cured of your blatantly self-destructive tendencies, but you can't shake the feeling that two legs are twice as many as a person really needs.

Cancer June 22 - July 22
You've thought about trying online dating, but you can't help noticing that the Personal Of The Day is always the same person, who, despite being attractive and interesting, somehow still can't get a date.

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