Can somebody describe a capricorn??????!


Can somebody describe a capricorn??????



You were born under the sign of Capricorn and are known by others to be the type of person who has your feet planted firmly on the ground. Always practical and cautious in everything you do, you are extremely self-contained and at times this bothers you; you wish it could be otherwise. It takes you quite a while to open up emotionally and express your deeper feelings. You would rather be a little suspicious and take your time in getting to know someone rather than making blunders by being too impulsive.

You need to deliberately think things through and always with a view to safeguarding your material security and financial interests. You see hard work and commitment to your goals and ideals as essential if you are to make this happen. You are resourceful and even if you don’t have financial or emotional support, you’re prepared to go it alone and see your dreams come true. At times a pessimist, you would argue that this is simply being realistic and not expecting too much from life, only what you deserve. Your key life phrase may even be “Expect the worst, but hope for the best”.

You are very traditional in many ways and like to do things in a manner that is comfortable and familiar to you. Others could sometimes see you as a stick in the mud, but this doesn’t bother you. You are not afraid of being alone and would prefer to do things on your own terms rather than compromise to please others.

Your serious demeanour may often be mistaken for an elitist attitude, which makes others feel as if you are looking down on them. This is not correct. You are a good judge of character because you do not get carried away by superficialities and are very aware of the consequences of entering into any friendship or business partnership.

Once others get to know you, they will come to realise that you are a completely trustworthy and dependable individual, who can be counted on to fulfil their interests and needs. Though they may feel you drive a hard bargain, in the end they will appreciate your integrity and the way you follow through on your word. You also have the ability to withstand any trials and tribulations thrown at you, and family and friends are quite amazed to see just how well you weather the storms of life.

You can handle responsibility and are often found to be in some position of trust or authority where your balanced view and traditional methods of handling any situation becomes an asset to those you work for. Your disciplined focus is due to Saturn ruling Capricorn, which endows you with excellent concentration and a capacity for hard and sustained work.

Your totem, the goat, accurately symbolises your journey through life. The rocky, mountainous terrain is easily accessible to this animal in its journey to the top. You may not achieve your ambitions as quickly or easily as others, but in the end you will triumph.

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