What is your zodiac sign?!


What is your zodiac sign?

Answers: ARIES leo leo Gemini i'm leo. how about you? Cancer Sagittarius. Aires / Scorpio Asc. Libra passionate virgo, it means pretty.. lol pisces...the most mysterious and intuitive sign of the zodiac...coz we're the last sign so we naturally get a little bit of all the characteristics of the first 11 signs...in short...we're unique!! Aquarius.....how 'bout you sweetie? virgo the perfectionist. Aquarius, Leo rising, Libra moon scorpio. Don't tell anyone :( Scorpio.. pisces.. love that sign, im so crazy cuz of it loll Aries,. leo Aquarius x Pisces. Actually, a DOUBLE Pisces. Both Sun and Moon are in Pisces! im an AQUARIOUS..water right. I lOve water...wish I had the POWER OF WATER..I love taking a bath. But I have dislikes on water like those HUMAN-eating sharks..and killer whales..and wide-mouthed rays..YAYYYyyyyyy I'm a Sagittarius!
December 18th!!! Aquarius **Hello Clarisse**(Hannibal Lector)

Im a Gemini/Cancer
June 21 all the way!!!! ohio is for lovers---- you are an air sign

ima libra!! im the best sign , the only non beast or human of the zodiac!!! and im sexy Gemini TAURUS BABY!!!!!! Leo cancer!

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