Can you guess signs by pictures?!


Can you guess signs by pictures?

Lets test it out! I saw another question like this and thought it was fun. Now, without any cheating or anything of the sort, what are these girls zodiac signs?

Girl #1-

Girl #2-

Girl #3-

Girl #4-

I'll even give some hints. These girls are all Cardinal Signs. However, each is of a different element from the other three. So give it a shot! Good luck!

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1 day ago
No one's gotten it all right And to those who think these girls are scary, you haven't seen them in action. They're a fun bunch!

21 hours ago
ShameOnYou is the closest. 2/4 right! But come on, someone has got to get this right!

Answers: 1 day ago
No one's gotten it all right And to those who think these girls are scary, you haven't seen them in action. They're a fun bunch!21 hours ago
ShameOnYou is the closest. 2/4 right! But come on, someone has got to get this right! 1: Libra

2: Cancer

3: Capricorn

4: Aries

I'm not even going to start with the moon and rising, but #3 looks like she has a lot of Aquarius in her chart. And #4 looks like she has a lot of Pisces.


For #1; she does look a bit like Aries, but you have to remember that the rising determines most of the physical appearance. Looking like an Aries might just mean she has Aries rising.

For #2 I just went for the stereotype; blonde ans somewhat dreamy. Then again she does look like she has a bit of fire; she might be the Aries while #4 is the Cancer... oh well. Rebecca, frankly tell me-you don't have aaanny other works
today either at your home or at your working place...????

However, ....Good photos. Thank you. Hmmm... Aries, Capricorn, Cancer, Libra ??!?! #1.aries #2.capricorn #3.libra #4.cancer 1. aries
2. capricorn
3. cancer
4. Libra no...i prefer facts of when someone is born... I'm afraid to say scary hmm I'll give it a try:
#1: Saggitarius
#2: Capricorn
#3: Gemini
#4: Libra Actually they were scary that shocked me very long heads lol
Maybe it was the angle of the camera and maybe you should seek a face reader I did read long oval heads means

The Fire Face
The fire type also has a long face with narrow, prominent cheekbones, pointed chin and a more pointed forehead than the wood type. They may have freckles, red, curly or wiry hair, rapid speech and quick body movements. The fire element brings warmth and enthusiasm to the personality with a capacity to inspire and get people “fired up”. They are active and outdoorsy, goal centred, fast paced and adventurous. They can sometimes take crazy risks, and constantly seek stimulation and excitement.
If the fire goes out, the fire type becomes a rather withdrawn and timid character, lacking in joy and motivation. The challenges of the fire element are to find that warmth and positive joy inside. You can see this in the eyes – if the “glitter” or sparkle of the eyes is controlled – think of Ram Dass, the spiritual teacher. Excess fire can make you prone to heart problems, anxiety and insomnia or skin rashes. Fire types need to include some bitter foods into their diet from time to time such as chicory, dandelion, and burdock. Blood nourishing foods and herbs are an important consideration for them. Some do very well on ginseng.

Love & Blessings
Milly idk but the first girls pic made me jump!!! #1- Cancer
#2- Libra
#4-Aries 1. Aries 2. Capricorn 3. Cancer 4. Libra interesting!!!! Capricorn

just a guess

but is anybody close to it? lol Note you do say "guess". Just guessing is a one in twelve chance for each one with out any hints. If these were random people, this would be much harder than Pick 4 lotteries. That would be very tough indeed. Getting all four would be well over 10 thousand to one.

But then you spoil your test by giving "hints" since there are only four cardinal signs and four elements. This makes almost certain that someone here will "guess" this. Each photo is now less than than a one in three chance.

This is why science uses double blind tests to determine what is valid. Not even the tester should know which is which. You say no cheating on this test, but it's okay for the tester to do the cheating.

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