Can anybody please tell me about the aries women?!

Question: what are they attracted to

Answers: what are they attracted to

What attracts aries women.....

The type of man who attracts you is brash and bold, daring and direct, and has a sense of adventure.

You may be drawn to "macho" types or men in uniform - military or police, etc. - and to even "dangerous" men. You seek competition and challenges... so you like men who are "hard to get".

You're attracted to "winners" - in sports or business or any form of competition, including a competition to win you!

Regardless of how you appear on the surface, there is a "warrior woman" deep inside you, and what you really want is a "warrior" who is strong enough or brave enough to be your mate.

You're the kind of woman who secretly wants to say, "You Tarzan, me Jane."

If you have Mars in Aries, you are especially drawn to strong or athletic men and "macho" types; and have an even more aggressive inner "warrior woman" who loves action, competition, and challenges - perhaps even a good fight now and then.

Other fire signs and air signs.

They are hot blooded women with tempers. They look for compatable signs like Leo. These are both fire signs. If you are a water sign you may not mix too well

They're attracted to me, and guys like me.

Aries women can be very bitchy & bossy women. They love arrogant men.

However if you're likewise (share the same trait), they can calm down.

to Sagittarian men

All 3 fire signs (Aries, Sagi and Leo) get on well usually and all hit the roof if you get them mad

The Leo takes longer to explode and takes time to come to earth again

The Ariennes go up quicker and forget within 10mins what it was all about. Light touchpaper and stand back in other words. They don't stay mad long

Sagis are in between but certainly won't remember until next day.

Choose whichever you wish but remember - Never play with fire if you can't handle it!

they want s*xy men like Leos or daughter is an Aries...she runs thinsg with her husband...he doesnt mind a bit.. book says they want perfect lovers..

We are very complicated women. It has to be in the middle it cant be too much of domination or too much of submissive its pretty tricky to attract us. You just have to be yourself because we can spot phoniness a mile away. she will either like you for you but you cant MAKE her like you.

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