Love compatiblity?!

Question: which signs go together
im a libra
who goes best with me

Answers: which signs go together
im a libra
who goes best with me

Libras. Their kinda cool in their own sense, but, I particularly don't like them very much.

Well to start off...

The Libra woman is vibrant, vivacious and thoroughly captivating. She is the epitome of diplomacy and tact, in addition to being a woman who is trusted by her friends. She is blessed with taste and a sense of refinement...but on the negative side, her love of the good life can lead to laziness and something of a selfish nature. As a sweetheart, she is irresistible and as a long-term partner, she is intriguing, being both feminine and fun. As a mother, she is not always one to concentrate on her children, but she does radiate a warmth and affection that provides them with a sense of security. Far from "fluffy" in her thinking, the Libra female can be a great help to the success of any mate's career. In short, she is attractive, mixes well and tends to get along with everyone, being tactful and shrewd. For a long-term commitment, this woman looks for an adventurous and intelligent who is preferably fairly well off, but there is no aversion here to aiding a partner when it comes to accumulating the good things of life. When young, this female is rather like a beautiful flower, being very lovely to look at. With the advancement of years, however, this woman often finds that life has educated her to a high degree and she is also wise, witty, entertaining, tolerant, amusing and a wonderfully rewarding person to know. In her heart, every female governed by Libra truly desires affection above all else, closely followed by sympathy and interest. This is a woman who is forever seeking the ideal companion.

The female ruled by Libra possesses a delicate and rather spiritual appeal. This is usually a rather exotic-looking woman with a rare and exquisite personality. However, in actuality, she is nowhere near as fragile as she seems to be. A fine mental companion, the Libra woman is wise in the ways of partnership and extremely capable of bringing harmony into a home and family environment. Indeed, the talent for harmony is one of this female's special gifts. She has an instinctive knowledge of how to get along with people and usually attracts an interesting social circle. Still, she will never neglect her own family, bestowing upon them all the loving attention of which her gracious nature is capable. Too well-balanced to encourage indiscriminate flirtations, if the woman ruled by Libra were to find herself emotionally involved, her response would never be underhanded. This is not the type of female who encourages scandal. The Libra woman is responsive, intuitive and intellectual. In many respects, she is the best suited of all Zodiac females to be a lifelong partner in the strictly personal sense of the word.

Another thing to note....

Libra natives tend to process affairs of the heart courtesy of the mind. Thus, those governed by this Sign tend to enjoy the company of a mate as much as they enjoy the physical closeness of a relationship. Generally sensual and passionate in terms of romance, Libra subjects love luxury and beauty and prefer that such attributes spill over into the arena of intimacy. Libra is the peace keeper of the Zodiac and its natives will weigh all sides and situations equally. Hence, they often experience difficulties in making hard and fast decisions, which can be frustrating to loved ones since there will be much wavering between this and way and then another. Libra individuals need attention and the company of others. If deprived of such companionship, they can sink into a very real depression and lose their inspiration. These are people-oriented souls who enjoy the stimulation of having loved ones and friends as an active part of their lives. This can often create a problem when the potential mate feels no more important than the best friend. In general, Libra natives are all around charming individuals who are good-natured even when they do not much feel like being so. They are also able to actively stifle any personal complaints...until they reach boiling point. Consequently, when a person ruled by Libra has allowed the scales to become unfairly tipped, then he or she will often lash out in explosive fashion. This usually takes a partner totally by surprise, since he or she has probably come to see only the gentle and peaceable Libra exterior. Those ruled by this Sign adore romance and all of its finest attributes...everything from flowers to poetry to love songs. They also appreciate the accessories that accompany being in love and the state of being in love itself. Indeed, such is often the primary focus in the life of a Libra native. Whether it is being in love with their life, their job or their person, subjects of Libra want to feel the connection of the their world and their mind. In terms of physical intimacy, natives of Libra generally prefer the more romantic, tender and extravagant extensions of sexuality. In short, they prefer the "goodies"...the romantic gestures and the love notes left on the nightstand. To Libra, love is an idealized vision, complete with setting, tone and atmosphere. Often hesitant to voice likes and dislikes, it will be important for any mate to coax the Libra partner into speaking his or her mind. Interludes that are rough and/or coarse will usually be distasteful to natives of this Sign and the more artistically pleasing and overtly romantic, the better.

Those who fall under the jurisdiction of Libra set their sights on love from the very beginning. As children, they were probably quick to learn the ways of to be appealing, how to show affection and how to cull affection. However, sometimes this determination to pursue love to the end can result in extreme trouble. Natives of Libra, more than any other subjects of the Zodiac, are interested in love for love's sake alone. They will give up all for love, or even learn to love because it is to their advantage to do so. Hence, individuals ruled by Libra are not always sincere and believe flirtation to be a civilized art. Subjects of Libra can be double-dealers, but are seldom loathed or despised for this quality. They are blessed with the ability to get away with anything and everything because they have a way of illuminating the lives of others...albeit sometimes for a brief period only. Prone to breaking hearts, the Libra individual is not always penitent about this trait but he or she is by no means consciously ruthless. These are souls who adore beauty and beautiful things. However, they can at times be too materialistic in their interpretation of beauty. There is hidden depth here, but most Libra natives are fearful of plumbing too deep. They tend to skate on the surface...hovering and darting like the magnificent dragonfly and on occasion, their happiness is just as short-lived.

Those governed by Libra prefer partners who can surround them with beauty...lovely objects in good taste, beautiful thoughts, ideas and statements, glorious proposals and projects, for example. These are souls who are also very much concerned with concepts of fairness and equality, so any potential mate would be wise to keep this fact in mind and be sure to employ balance, coupled with give-and-take, in any dealings. In addition, those ruled by this Sign are especially pleased when loved ones lend an ear to their problems and then offer suggestions and comments regarding how better decisions might be made. Indeed, decision-making is not always easy for these "in-the-balance" natives. The Libra individual is also rather thrilled when a prospective mate likes, approves and gets along well with other persons that the Libra subject holds dear. In fact, any potential partner must always be willing to share his or her Libra mate with other close ties if the relationship is to survive. In addition, it will be necessary to constantly strive to be definite and decisive when dealing with the Libra individual. In short, hardly anything frustrates a native of Libra more than to sense a pronounced indecisiveness in his or her loved ones. Those ruled by this Sign do not want to be troubled with making decisions on behalf of others. Indeed, they experience enough difficulty in trying to make up their own minds. It is also of paramount importance that no potential mate be gross or do so would be to run the risk of incurring a rather sharp and noticeable display of disapproval, which may appear very out of character for the normally easy-going subject of Libra. Basic neatness in personal appearance...and in other areas of life...will be a plus for any potential mate since natives of this Sign are prone to frown upon untidiness in any form.

When it comes to long term commitments, Libra individuals need variety in the people around them. They feel most comfortable and secure in peaceful and harmonious settings, tending to wilt in the midst of negativity and/or turmoil. They prefer a partner who is receptive to catering to their whims...running a personal errand, for example, or initiating a project in which both partners can become involved. Natives of Libra possess an amazing reservoir of strength that can be quite startling...and there is usually a remarkable brain behind that surface beauty. These are souls who enjoy having a pleasing and pretty home. Indeed, they are generally willing to devote an abundance of attention into the process of making life beautiful...which frequently includes ignoring some of the harsher realities and avoiding any type of action that could disturb the peace or status quo. Still, these are individuals who possess a temper and when they feel the scales have become overly unequal, they can suddenly and alarmingly explode.

More to know...

The Libra female has a tendency to harbor grand illusions about many things. Consequently, she can easily become despondent and impatient when matters are not as she imagined or expected them to be. Nevertheless, this is a generous soul who is both lovable and kind-hearted, with an innate desire to help the unfortunates of the world. The artistic side of the Libra woman calls out for beauty and harmony in all her surroundings and she is frequently exceedingly romantic by nature...prone to be "in love with love" rather than with any particular person, other than herself. Here, there is an intense desire for sympathy, love, understanding and companionship...but Libra is a very idealistic Sign and truly difficult to satisfy. Below the apparent affection, there is a great deal of selfishness associated with those governed by Libra, often accompanied by a certain degree of shallowness, which is frequently traceable to a lack of attention from family in the formative years. The Libra woman is an ideal hostess, but one who is at her best when she has plenty of servants to take care of the actual work. Although infinitely capable, this woman is somewhat adverse to manual labor...especially if it means getting "down and dirty." Indeed, the Libra female prefers to snuggle into a luxurious pile of cushions and summon assistance. In general, the physically intimate side of a relationship is not so important to this woman as it might first appear to be, although she is definitely a flirt and rather enjoys playing one admirer against another. There is a tendency here for the Libra female to acquiesce to the desires of her family and enter a long term commitiment with an individual of great potential rather than one she truly loves. Involvement with this woman should never be contemplated unless the potential partner is serious about the relationship. The Libra female needs affection and love, but she must believe in her mate and be secure with that mate's character. Here, compromise is not taken well and this woman will quickly exit any union if she discovers she has betrayed herself. It has often been said that the keys to a Libra woman are romance, partnership, commitment, independence and beauty. To succeed, a potental mate must fulfill all counts since this female's basic modus operandi is "show me."

The Libra woman is vibrant, vivacious and thoroughly captivating. For all her flirtatious ways, she is the epitome of diplomacy and tact...and a woman who is trusted by her friends. She is blessed with taste and a sense of refinement...but on the negative side, her love of the good life can lead to laziness and something of a selfish nature. As a mate, she is irresistible and intriguing, being both feminine and fun. As a mother, she is not always one to concentrate on her children, but she does radiate a warmth and affection that provides them with a sense of security. Far from "fluffy" in her thinking, the Libra female can be a great help to the success of any mate's career. In short, she is attractive, mixes well and tends to get along with everyone, being tactful and shrewd. For a long-term commitment, this woman looks for an adventurous and intelligent who is preferably fairly well off, but there is no aversion here to aiding a partner when it comes to accumulating the good things of life. When young, this female is rather like a beautiful flower, being very lovely to look at. With the advancement of years, however, this woman often finds that life has educated her to a high degree and that she is wise, witty, entertaining, tolerant, amusing and a wonderfully rewarding person to know. In her heart, every female governed by Libra truly desires affection above all else, closely followed by sympathy and interest. This is a woman who is forever seeking the ideal companion.

I think Libra gets along well with Aquarius, Gemini, and Aries, but I would advise you to stay away from other signs.

Libra with Aquarius....

Natives of both Libra and Aquarius are prone to be attracted to unusual individuals, excitement, and an abundance of activitiy and socializing. Hence, there is a better than even chance here that these two will fall head-over-heels in love. Should the Aquarius partner go rushing off at some ungodly hour to help out a friend in need, not only will Libra understand, he or she will probably go along. If Aquarius brings home a down-and-out stranger to spend the night, then Libra will immediately make up the bed in the spare questions asked. While there are some aspects of the two personalities here that each will find irritating, this couple will find it easier than most Signs to reach a compromise. Perhaps the chief stumbling block is that the opinions of others mean very little...if anything at natives of Aquarius and he or she will find it difficult to understand how the Libra partner can be wounded by a cruel remark from someone else. Indeed, in the eyes of the Aquarius mate, it is possible that he or she considers Libra to be somewhat overly sensitive. In past relationships, it is likely that physical intimacy did not mean much to the Aquarius partner but with Libra, that changes drastically and radically. Libra is impulsive and will strive to show Aquarius the joys of being spontaneous. In short, this is a very favorable relationship and one that is likely to last an extremely long time.

The Libra/Aquarius match results in a union that can serve to heighten and strengthen the consciousness of both Signs. This pair connects on a very high mental level. They share a love of art, people and culture. They also have a mutual aversion to restrictive influences in their lives. This couple will get along well because they have such similar needs and do not require more of one another than each is willing to give. These are two energetic and enthusiastic souls and their relationship is unlikely to ever become stagnant. Both Libra and Aquarius are concerned with the betterment of the world and their fellow humans. Indeed, Aquarius is the most progressive thinker of the Zodiac and its natives always have a new idea in the works. Libra is the Zodiac's diplomat and those it governs abhor any form of dispute. These are born balancers, possessed with a desire to avoid conflict and blessed with a love of intellectual freedom. However, these two traits can result in Libra natives being somewhat indecisive at times and when this happens, the more firm-minded Aquarius partner can step forward and help Libra to figure out in which direction to turn. The Libra partner can return the favor by smoothing the occasionally ruffled feathers of Aquarius that result from this Sign's idealistic thinking sometimes crashing down in the face of reality.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus and Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, indicative of rebellion, with a secondary influence afforded by the karmic Saturn (which ruled Aquarius prior to the discovery of Uranus). This combination of influences can be an interesting and productive one. Libra and Aquarius should certainly take on other projects together aside from their romantic liaison, since these two can make great things happen by using their hearts, their urge for progress and their consciousness of the greater good. Indeed, this couple can be quite extraordinary in terms of standing up for social justice or radical change in the community. Both Libra and Aquarius are governed by the element of Air. Thus, there is a strong intellectual bond that constantly stimulates ideas, to say nothing of communcation styles and skills. Again, the ability to work as a team makes it obvious that these two Signs must adopt larger projects in their life together...concern themselves with the greater good. Those ruled by Libra can bring a certain balance to any undertaking that almost no other Zodiac Sign is capable of achieving. Together, Libra and Aquarius will also have many stimulating intellectual discussions about mutual interests and pursuits. Libra is Cardinal in quality and Aquarius is Fixed. Hence, Libra sets things in motion but may experience trouble in seeing them through to conclusion. This is what makes the determined influence of the Aquarius partner so positive...he or she possesses an abundance of follow-through, able to seize Libra's ideas and run with them to the end. This pair work especially well together since they tend not to argue about who will do what...who will take credit and who will work behind the scenes versus out in the spotlight. Perhaps the best aspect of a Libra/Aquarius match is their ability to work as a team. Together, they can learn so much more than either could alone. Their accomplishments, coupled with a love of socializing and new projects, makes for an extremely satisfying...even enviable...relationship and one with a high success rate in terms of longevity.

In essence, this is an exceedingly good combination. Aquarius has near perfect affinities for Libra. Both partners love beauty, society and the human race...all things that help to make this an ideal union. However, a potential problem may be misunderstandings due to the Aquarius partner being somewhat unpredictable from time to time and, on occassion for no apparent reason, he or she may seek seclusion and refuse to communicate.

Libra with Gemini.....

This pairing comes with similar attitudes, feelings and intellect. If both partners are an equal force, then an ideal situation of personal freedom should exist. Here, each individual harbors a need for constant change together with a shared love of a very active social life. However, the Gemini partner will have to make Libra feel totally independent so that the Libra native can lead his or her own life since Libra rates this aspect of freedom on a higher level than does Gemini. Natives of Libra are not domestically inclined and this could lead to some nagging on the part of the Gemini mate to share some of the burden in this area, resulting in a speedy exit from the relationship on the part of Libra. Gemini's displays of childish temperament could be considered out of line by the Libra native, although he or she may respond in a favorable manner to the Gemini insecurities and jealousy that are the root of the problem. Still, if Gemini takes this too far, or does it too often, then he or she will lose the sympathy of Libra. Since both individuals believe a relationship must always be worked at, this could be a rewarding union. Romantic Libra will constantly be wooing his or her loved one, openly expressing affection at every given opportunity...of course, it should be noted that it is inherent in the Libra personality to behave in the same fashion to all of his or her sweethearts. Natives of Gemini are always in love with love and will feed happily on these avowals, making them more secure in the affair. The Libra individual is a highly-charged soul when it comes to intimacy and thus, romantic interludes between this couple will lack nothing. In addition, life itself will never be dull for this pair and while not an ideal union, love can make it a successful match.

The Libra/Gemini affair is basically an enjoyable relationship rooted in intellectual interests and mental agility. The dual nature of Gemini adores Libra's balance and Libra cannot fail to be entertained by the chatty and brainy Gemini. Libra loves art and beauty while Gemini loves the beauty of an idea...but these loves are not too far from one another. There is a great deal of mental energy in this pairing and both partners can hatch all sorts of magnificent ideas when working together. Plus, Libra has the "get up and go" ability needed to put those ideas into action...a quality that is often lacking in the Gemini character. In the birth of an idea, Gemini is better at pontification than direction, but this is a valuable contribution to the Libra mental process. In addition, both individuals share a need for intellectual freedom...something each can certainly provide to one another.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus and Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. Hence, these two Signs work well together, combining the forces of love and communication. However, virtually above all else, Libra prizes harmony in a romantic affair. Thus, Gemini will be unable to indulge the inherent love of a good hearty debate very often, since Libra would rather do almost anything than argue. Libra and Gemini are both governed by the element of Air. Gemini adores Libra's energy and will experience no trouble in keeping up when Libra is off and running with a new idea, project or other pursuit. Since both Signs possess wide-ranging interests, there will be a plethera of wonderful material for provocative discussion. Libra is Cardinal in quality and Gemini is Mutable. Libra likes the position of leader in a relationship. Those governed by this Sign most often come up with the ideas for where to go on a date, for example, and flexible Gemini is more than happy to go along...provided it is in order to change his or her mind at the last minute. Libra tends to initiate things, but has trouble in finishing them...Gemini is so adaptable that he or she will have no problem switching gears at a moment's notice and quickly moving on to something else, should Libra become bored. The ability here to work together as an intellectual team can expose each partner to new and different points of view and areas of interest. Thus, each can help the other to open up new worlds.

In essence, this combination is favorable in terms of longevity. Both partners have much in common and sufficient contrast to make for a rather ideal union. Plus, each individual favors similar changes of interests. In this relationship, Libra probably plays the judge while Gemini play the responsive jury. The nature of each mate brings out the better part of the other. Gemini will find it easy to communicate with Libra, who is always delighted to share information and ideas.

Libra with Aries....

The attraction between natives of Libra and Aries is common, but not one that is necessarily long lasting. These are two very different characters with widely varying personalities. The Aries individual is a firm believer in equality of the sexes and equality in the romantic arena. Initially, he or she will be amused at Libra's attempt to dominate the relationshp, but when Aries comes to the realization that his or her Libra partner is deadly serious about this, conflict is sure to arise. Here, both partners will be impulsive and that could be one of the reasons for an initial attraction. Those governed by Libra are always willing and ready to help others, which the Aries subject scorns as being a gross waste of time...particularly if the Aries native believes the person in question capable of doing better if only he or she would employ a little more effort. In addition, the Aries partner is not above using Libra's inferiority complex to his or her own personal advantage. Those ruled by Aries may sadistically endeavor to keep Libra down, especially if there has been a loss of respect in the relationship. This state of affairs will not last long since the inherent Libra love of romance and tendency to wander will soon put the Aries partner in a combatant mood which, in turn, disgusts the harmony-loving Libra individual. This union is likely to be a shaky partnership at best.

Within the Zodiac Wheel, Libra and Aries are located directly opposite one another in polarity. Thus, each Sign possesses qualities that the other lacks. This, combined with Libra's natural desire for harmony, can result in a balanced relationship. However, Libra is associated with partnerships while Aries is associated with self...and that is not the only difference. Aries is impulsive, excitable and eager to engage in new and exciting ventures. Libra is indecisive, peace-loving and prefers an approach which is calm and smooth. Still, the Aries partner may learn from these Libra traits that his or her own way is not necessarily the best course of action. There is much physical attraction here...common to all Zodiac Signs that are opposite in polarity. In addition, the connection between these two is amazing when good and extremely challenging when bad. All polarities possess energies that are liable to tangle or knot if understandings cannot be reached. Nonetheless, the charming and cultured Libra partner can teach the brash Aries native something about style. Libra prizes harmony in a relationship and will go to great lengths in order to maintain tranquility. In return, the Aries partner will be very decisive and can teach the wavering Libra native how to rely on intuition for answers.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus and Aries is ruled by the the planet Mars. This usually results in a magnificent match. Venus and Mars combine splendidly as each is one side of the love relationship coin. Venus is associated with the beauty of romance while Mars is associated with the passion of romance. Thus, this is a wonderful combination. Libra is governed by the element of Air while Aries is governed by the element of Fire. Air fuels Fire and helps it to grow and spread. Aries natives can have a very positive effect upon Libra's growth, ideas and progress. In addition, Aries will help the Libra native to put his or her ideas into action. However, working as a team may present challenges on occasion courtesy of the polarity of these two Signs. The impetuous and fast-paced approach to projects employed by Aries may conflict with Libra's more balanced and intellectual approach. Still, both individuals have wide-ranging interests and at the end of a long and active day, the Aries partner can come home and tell his or her interesting stories to the more cerebral Libra. Both Libra and Aries are Cardinal in quality. Hence, each partner here has much initiative, but is sadly lacking in follow-through abilities. They will tend to start things they are never going to it a job, project or relationship. The Aries partner will appear to be the leader because of his or her energy and forceful nature, but it is Libra who will lead from an intellectual standpoint. Both partners will want to be in charge, but Aries is liable to use force and, on occasion, intimidation to get what he or she desires, whereas Libra will employ charm and, on occasion, manipulation. Thus, compromise is essential to the health of this union. However, diplomatic Libra has a much easier time adapting to compromise that does his or her Aries partner, who strongly dislikes yielding to another person and views it as submission. Therefore, the Libra individual may have to give in more often to the wishes of Aries in order to maintain the peace that Libra natives cherish so dearly. The harmony resulting from a combination of Venus and Mars can bring balance between self and other...a wonderful learning experience for both Signs. Each is capable of bringing to the relationship what the other is missing and can make for a truly magnificent balance.

In essence, this combination may be a great match. The warm and passionate Libra will make a welcoming home for the fiery and impetuous Aries...particularly if both partners are on the same cultural and intellectual level. Aries will appreciate the passion and emotion of Libra, but too much of either could bring about destruction. In short, this union is all about balance and if this can be achieved, the relationship could go a very long way.

best to give the date...i have them all in the book...
Libra is Sep 24 thru Oct 23
good with Gemini and Aquarius

You're compatible with the person who loves you best and respects you, and listens to you. He should support you in every way.

Libra goes best with Aquarius and Gemini. You have the best chance of finding your soulmate with these.

However, Don't rule out Leo and Sagittaruis, there is soulamte potential for these signs as well but to a slightly lesser degree.

i hate HORRORscopes and MISFORTUNE tellers

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