My sun sign is pisces and my rising is taurus what does it mean?!

Question: sun in pisces
As the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces contains within itself a little experience of all the signs. This gives Pisces Suns the ability to identify with people from all walks of life—from all backgrounds—in some way. These individuals are not only changeable and adaptable, they have open minds and tremendous understanding. But Pisces itself is often misunderstood. Pisces Suns may spend a good portion of their lives yearning for understanding, and the other part in a state of divine discontent. Suffering is sometimes glamorized in the Piscean world.

Sun in Pisces people are frequently pegged as wishy-washy, but this is all a matter of opinion. What you will find behind a vaguely directionless, spacey manner is a deep person with real dreams. Their dreams are more than getting that picket fence or making it up the corporate ladder. Pisces are tuned in to a higher purpose and their dreams transcend the individual. A deep love for humanity, and compassion that knows no bounds is found with this placement of the Sun.

Pisceans are not known to be cutthroat business types, nor are they given to throwing themselves out into the world in an aggressive manner. But make no mistake about it, Pisces can be extraordinarily successful when given the chance to express themselves. The arts, marketing, music, teaching, drama, healing arts...these are all fields in which Pisces can find expression. Their imagination, attunement to humanity, and remarkable intuition endow them with enviable gifts of insight and creativity.

Pisces is a sensitive sign—both sensitive to criticism and sensitive to others' feelings. Easily touched by human suffering, at least in theory, Pisces wouldn't hurt a fly. They believe in people, are deeply hurt by compassionless human behavior, and have a hard time saying no. Harsh realities are avoided either through escapist behavior or self-delusion; but every now and again reality does raise its ugly head, and hits Pisces over the head. This is a sad time indeed. Pisces retreats into their own world, self-pitying and giving pep talks to themselves ("I will never trust again!"). Rest assured, though, that these periods are rather short-lived and even useful. Pisces seems to derive energy from their (generally short) bouts of self-pity. They come back stronger, with a spring in their step, ready to face the world again, and just as, if not more, compassionate and trusting as they were before. Some might even wonder if Pisces finds pleasure in suffering. Sometimes this is the case, but most of the time, Pisces pulls a lot of creative energy from sadness. Pisces is the poet or artist with angst, although this trait is often more apparent with Moon in Pisces.

Some find Pisces' tendency to be late for appointments, spaced out behavior, and absent-mindedness amount to irresponsibility. Pisces would be shocked to know this, however. Who me? Pisces wonders. Irresponsible? Pisces Suns absolutely care—their love knows no bounds—but their retreats from ordinary life (whether they are as simple as daydreams or actual departures) that they so seem to need every now and again are not always understandable to no-nonsense signs, such as Virgo or Aries.

Many Pisces seem almost allergic to things like shopping lists, maps, directions, and instructions, and for some brave souls, even watches — they prefer to feel their way through life than to follow some plan.

We find plenty of artists, poets, and musicians with Sun (and other personal planets) in Pisces. Piscean themes are woven throughout the songs of Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins and Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, for example.

Taurus Ascendant

Slow, steady, and capable are adjectives that we can safely attach to individuals born with a Taurus Ascendant. These natives have tremendous stamina and staying power. They're often quite loyal to those they care about. Although they generally don't come on strong, they have personal presence; and they fairly radiate stability.

The sign on the Ascendant generally reveals how people start anything new. Taurus, by nature, is resistant to change. It can be difficult to sway Taurus rising natives--they're often rather stubborn and fixed in their ways. Their first responses are to feel things out, not in the way a Pisces might attune to their environment, but in the realm of the five senses. They have well-developed sense of smell and touch, and respond to the material world. Theirs is a practical approach to life. Security is one of their foremost considerations before undertaking anything new.

Taurus rising natives are often quite cautious and careful. With a fixed sign on the Ascendant, they are not known for their flexibility. Rather, they possess determined single-mindedness.

More than most, Taurus rising prefers the "good things" in life. Self-indulgence can be a weakness for many with this Ascendant. Often collectors in some way, Taurus rising natives place a lot of value on their material possessions.

Taurus rising individuals prefer to dress in quality clothes with a comfortable feel to them. They are rarely ostentatious in their presentation. Many have strong and sturdy physiques.

Often rather possessive in partnership, these natives won't easily break up their relationships. Although they are not particularly jealous, they view their partners as their personal property. Intensity and loyalty are especially important to Taurus rising natives. These are highly sensual people who prefer the comforts that a one-to-one, stable partnership offers. Although Taurus rising individuals value harmony and calm, their partnerships may be on the passionate side.

Taurus rising natives are often very comforting to be around. They have a stability about them that is soothing, and an inner harmony that is attractive

Answers: sun in pisces
As the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces contains within itself a little experience of all the signs. This gives Pisces Suns the ability to identify with people from all walks of life—from all backgrounds—in some way. These individuals are not only changeable and adaptable, they have open minds and tremendous understanding. But Pisces itself is often misunderstood. Pisces Suns may spend a good portion of their lives yearning for understanding, and the other part in a state of divine discontent. Suffering is sometimes glamorized in the Piscean world.

Sun in Pisces people are frequently pegged as wishy-washy, but this is all a matter of opinion. What you will find behind a vaguely directionless, spacey manner is a deep person with real dreams. Their dreams are more than getting that picket fence or making it up the corporate ladder. Pisces are tuned in to a higher purpose and their dreams transcend the individual. A deep love for humanity, and compassion that knows no bounds is found with this placement of the Sun.

Pisceans are not known to be cutthroat business types, nor are they given to throwing themselves out into the world in an aggressive manner. But make no mistake about it, Pisces can be extraordinarily successful when given the chance to express themselves. The arts, marketing, music, teaching, drama, healing arts...these are all fields in which Pisces can find expression. Their imagination, attunement to humanity, and remarkable intuition endow them with enviable gifts of insight and creativity.

Pisces is a sensitive sign—both sensitive to criticism and sensitive to others' feelings. Easily touched by human suffering, at least in theory, Pisces wouldn't hurt a fly. They believe in people, are deeply hurt by compassionless human behavior, and have a hard time saying no. Harsh realities are avoided either through escapist behavior or self-delusion; but every now and again reality does raise its ugly head, and hits Pisces over the head. This is a sad time indeed. Pisces retreats into their own world, self-pitying and giving pep talks to themselves ("I will never trust again!"). Rest assured, though, that these periods are rather short-lived and even useful. Pisces seems to derive energy from their (generally short) bouts of self-pity. They come back stronger, with a spring in their step, ready to face the world again, and just as, if not more, compassionate and trusting as they were before. Some might even wonder if Pisces finds pleasure in suffering. Sometimes this is the case, but most of the time, Pisces pulls a lot of creative energy from sadness. Pisces is the poet or artist with angst, although this trait is often more apparent with Moon in Pisces.

Some find Pisces' tendency to be late for appointments, spaced out behavior, and absent-mindedness amount to irresponsibility. Pisces would be shocked to know this, however. Who me? Pisces wonders. Irresponsible? Pisces Suns absolutely care—their love knows no bounds—but their retreats from ordinary life (whether they are as simple as daydreams or actual departures) that they so seem to need every now and again are not always understandable to no-nonsense signs, such as Virgo or Aries.

Many Pisces seem almost allergic to things like shopping lists, maps, directions, and instructions, and for some brave souls, even watches — they prefer to feel their way through life than to follow some plan.

We find plenty of artists, poets, and musicians with Sun (and other personal planets) in Pisces. Piscean themes are woven throughout the songs of Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins and Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, for example.

Taurus Ascendant

Slow, steady, and capable are adjectives that we can safely attach to individuals born with a Taurus Ascendant. These natives have tremendous stamina and staying power. They're often quite loyal to those they care about. Although they generally don't come on strong, they have personal presence; and they fairly radiate stability.

The sign on the Ascendant generally reveals how people start anything new. Taurus, by nature, is resistant to change. It can be difficult to sway Taurus rising natives--they're often rather stubborn and fixed in their ways. Their first responses are to feel things out, not in the way a Pisces might attune to their environment, but in the realm of the five senses. They have well-developed sense of smell and touch, and respond to the material world. Theirs is a practical approach to life. Security is one of their foremost considerations before undertaking anything new.

Taurus rising natives are often quite cautious and careful. With a fixed sign on the Ascendant, they are not known for their flexibility. Rather, they possess determined single-mindedness.

More than most, Taurus rising prefers the "good things" in life. Self-indulgence can be a weakness for many with this Ascendant. Often collectors in some way, Taurus rising natives place a lot of value on their material possessions.

Taurus rising individuals prefer to dress in quality clothes with a comfortable feel to them. They are rarely ostentatious in their presentation. Many have strong and sturdy physiques.

Often rather possessive in partnership, these natives won't easily break up their relationships. Although they are not particularly jealous, they view their partners as their personal property. Intensity and loyalty are especially important to Taurus rising natives. These are highly sensual people who prefer the comforts that a one-to-one, stable partnership offers. Although Taurus rising individuals value harmony and calm, their partnerships may be on the passionate side.

Taurus rising natives are often very comforting to be around. They have a stability about them that is soothing, and an inner harmony that is attractive

Your sun sign in pisces reflects that you are a deeply sensitive emotional individual who is attracted to things like art, music, and of course the "unknown". It seeks answers to the larger questions in life. It also reflects that you are a very old soul that is here to help guide others through knowledge that you may have acquired in a past life.

Your rising sign being Taurus, means that the path that you walk down in life will be very earthy, based on structure and foundation, and that you have a strong need to feel secure and stable. You will most likely find that financial security, and sensual pleasures become important to you. I would really concentrate on my eating habits with this combination though, as Pisces sometimes likes things in excess, and Taurus often is concerned with its image and body image is one of them.

Storm Cestavani

Check this out:

sun in pisces:
Keywords: Vulnerable, Shy, Unrealistic, Compassionate, Unstable, Theatrical, Risk-taker, Self-pitying

As the twelfth sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents the twelfth and final stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. Here, the desire is to use all that has been learned and assimilated in order to gain perfection; of man as an individual and humanity as a whole. This perfection leads man to his rightful place in the universe. Though not all Pisceans occupy their time with such lofty aspirations as attaining their rightful place in the universe, the notion of perfection is a strong factor in their personality. They find it difficult to deal with people and situations that do not live up to their idealized images. It isn't that they can't see things clearly, they just don't want to accept things as they really are. Seeking greater perfection than the real world is capable of producing, they often turn to religion or other spiritual and philosophical disciplines.

Pisceans readily adapt to change. This trait is a strength because it is a survival mechanism, and a weakness because it makes them vulnerable to the demands and influence of other people. In spite of their sensitive personality and delicate physical constitutions, most Pisceans are survivors. Their adaptability allows them to outlast those who may be much stronger. Because they so readily identify with the feelings of others, and willingly adapt themselves to different people and changing circumstances, they risk the exploitation or loss of their own needs, ideas, and talent. The opposite side of the coin is that adaptability also allows Pisceans to gain personal power over those they understand so well and turn it to their own advantage. The fish is the astrological symbol for Pisces. The fish is pictured as a double figure seen to swim in either direction. This represents the ultimate Piscean choice; either to be strong and overcome weakness inherent in their sensitive nature, or to become the victim of this acute vulnerability.

Pisceans react emotionally to everything they experience in life. Before they take physical action, before they sort out the practicality of what they are doing, and before they reason things out intellectually, they give in to their feelings. Compassionate and fair-minded, they are not at all afraid to bend unbreakable rules if the situation demands a more humane approach. They make excellent judges, sensitive administrators, and inspirational teachers. Their surplus of emotions implies an addictive nature, and thus it is necessary to avoid habit-forming drugs and other substances. To maintain their emotional equilibrium, they need a private spot or at least a private time for daily retreat and relaxation. The most creatively stimulating and soothing environment for Pisceans is near water, preferably the ocean.

The modern ruler of Pisces is Neptune, planet of the spiritual and sensitive qualities in man. Ancient astrologers assigned Pisces Jupiter, a planet also associated with spirituality as well as thirst for knowledge and understanding. These planets represent similar traits and both of them influence Piscean personalities. They are idealistic, sensitive, and love to play martyr. They are often shy and would much rather impersonate someone else than be themselves. That's why so many are actors, artists, writers, and dreamers. Their association with elusive Neptune makes it hard to predict how Pisceans will develop. Some of them are neat and well organized, while others become slovenly and careless. Personal habits are often a direct reflection of emotional reactions to their environment. Their imaginations are limitless, an ability that makes them successful writers of fiction or turns them into pathological liars. Unique ability to understand the abstract can make them gifted mathematicians and theorists, or it can put them so out of touch with reality that they make no sense at all.

As if to directly confront their own vulnerability, many Pisceans are daredevils and risk-takers, becoming race car drivers, aviators, explorers, and hunters. Their emotional nature can make them compulsive eaters who face a lifelong battle of the bulge. Sports and physical fitness routines are a good way for them to keep in shape as well as reduce their emotional stress. Horseback riding, dancing, skating, swimming or sailing are favored activities.

Piscean colors are pale green, purple, rose, and gray-blue. Vulnerable parts of the body are the feet and lymphatic system. Swelling, allergic reaction to drugs, and sore feet are common complaints, but their emotional nature can also make them vulnerable to psychosomatic illness. The Piscean birthstone is the aquamarine. The sea-colored aquamarine becomes invisible when submerged in water. This is an appropriate representation of the shy Pisceans who often wish they could disappear as easily. Flowers for Pisces are the orchid, lilac, wisteria, water lily (lotus), poppy (white), and pansy.

moon in taurus:

Keywords: Impatient, Tactile, Opportunistic, Wants beauty and value, Appreciates all the senses

A Taurus Ascendant indicates individuals with a strong stubborn streak in their natures. They are also likely to have sturdy physiques, and though their energy levels may not include outbursts of dynamic activity, they have tremendous physical stamina. They are tenacious in getting what they want, and it is often simply great patience that is responsible for their success. The slowness associated with Taurus implies a certain amount of procrastination, as well as difficulty breaking undesirable habits and behavioral patterns.

Taurus indicates materialistic, status-seeking tendencies. They may take pains to hide it, but they can nevertheless be unduly influenced by people more powerful or wealthier. They are both resourceful and highly pragmatic. Though their practicality is often self-serving, they can be remarkably adept at coming up with constructive suggestions that help others as well as themselves.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, planet of sensuality and beauty, and as a celestial reminder, many of them are endowed with physical attractiveness. Appreciative of good food and fine wines, they may be able to elude the battle of the bulge since many of them are also dedicated to physical fitness and keeping in shape. They enjoy looking attractive and fond of using cosmetics and other beauty aids. Rather than wearing styles solely because they happen to be the latest fashion, these individuals select clothes that are either personally flattering or extremely comfortable. They want physical comfort and love the feeling of soft, luxurious materials.

Despite their quiet natures, they enjoy social occasions and living in sociable environments. Negative potentials for Taurus Ascendant includes individuals who are overly shy, rude or even anti-social. It can mean those who are totally focused on their personal appearance and make desperate attempts to hang on to youth and beauty. It can also include those who are lazy and have little or no interest in their physical appearances or manner of dress.

Taurus Ascendant implies a belief that the finer things in life must include art and music, and many of these individuals have talent in one of these areas. They usually have pleasant or unusually resonant voices. Their necks and throats are physically vulnerable areas and to some extent they may experience earaches or infections.

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