What do the signs of the Zodiac mean (represent)?!

Question: I am writing a piece for Symphonic Band. It is going to be based on the signs of the Zodiac. What I want to know is what they represent. For example, what does Aries stand for?War? Thanks so much!! I am projecting the final product to be 12 movements.

Answers: I am writing a piece for Symphonic Band. It is going to be based on the signs of the Zodiac. What I want to know is what they represent. For example, what does Aries stand for?War? Thanks so much!! I am projecting the final product to be 12 movements.

Aries-(masculine)fire sign,ruler of the planet mars: which is the ancient god of war, aggression, conflict. It's the symbol of the Ram: Assertive,sexual,able to climb to great heights. Aries is a "me-first" sign
Taurus-(Feminine) earth sign, ruler of the planet Venus: Roman goddess of beauty and the arts, pleasure,emotions. It's symbol is the Bull: Strong, stubborn,plodding, can be bothe fierce and gentle. Taurus is the sign of property and money. Dominant keyword is I Have.
Gemini-(Masculine) Air sign, ruler of the planet Mercury: Ancient messenger of the gods. Gemini is lively, energetic,versatile, and intellectual, lives primary in the mind rather than the emotions. Gemini is the sign of The Twins, associated with duality, humanism,versatility, communication.Gemini is the sign of thought and communication on a personal level. Dominant keyword is I Think.
Cancer-(Feminine) Water sign. Ruler planet is the moon, The earth's one satellite. Cancer is reeptive, sensitive,a nd imaginative. Cancer is the sign of home and family life. Cancerians seek close personal relationships and are happiest surrounded by the familiar and those whom they love.Dominant keyword I Feel.
Leo-(Masculine) Fire sign, Leo is enthusiastic, powerful,expansive and creative,generous and extravagant. The Sun is the ruler planet: Center of our solar system.It's the symbol of the Lion: Regal, brave, domination... Leo is the sign that governs pleasure and creativity. Dominant keyword: I Will.
Virgo-(Feminine) Earth sign. Virgo is reserved, modest , practical,discriminating and industrious, analytical.... ruler of the planet Mercury: Ancient god of communication and commerce. The symbol is the The Virgin: representing purity, modesty, industriousness, service to the fellow workers. Virgo is the sign of work and self improvement. Dominant Keyword: I Analyze.
Libra-(masculine) Air sign. Libra is active,artistic, easygoing,peaceable. Venus is the ruling planet: Goddess of love and beauty. The symbol are the scales: Signifying balance,equilibrium, order and justice. Libra is sign of marriage and partnership. Dominant Keyword: I Balance.
Scorpio-(Feminine) Water sign. Scorpip is imaginative, passionate and emotional, subtle, persistent,intense, obstinate and unyeilding. Ruling planet is pluto: Ancient god of the nether world and of the dead.The symbol is the Scorpion: A secretive, deadly creature that can poison its enemies. It's sting is often fatal. Dominant Keyword: I Desire.
Sagittarius-(masculine) Fire sign. Sagittarius is energetic,ambitious,generous,freedom-lov... and a seeker of challenge, open to new ideas and exploration. Ruling planet is Jupiter: The most important Roman god,ruler of the heavens. The symbol is the Archer: Representing directness, high aims, a love of outdoor activity and the chase. Dominant Keyword: I See.
Capricorn-(Feminine) Earth sign. Capricorn is reserved, prudent, patient, uses cunning instead of force, seeks security. Ruling planet it Saturn: Roman god who presided over the sowing and reaping of grain. The symbol is the Goat: a surefooted animal who is able to ascend the heights by taking advantage of every foothold. Capricorn is the sign governing reputation,career,standing in the community. Dominant Keyword: I Use.
Aquarius- (Masculine) Air sign. Aquarius is assertive, independent, progressive, analytical, original and inventive, has strong dislikes and firm opinions. Ruling Planet is Uranus: Ancient Greek sky god, first ruler of the universe. It was the first modern planet to be discovered. The symbol is the waterbearer: Dispensing a gift that flows freely and equally to all; representing creation and the giving of life.Aquarius is the sign of hopes and dreams, friends and wishes. Dominant Keyword: I Know.
Pisces-(Feminine) water sign. Pisces is receptive, intuitive and emotional, imaginative, romantic, impressionable and mystical,adaptable, and very changeable. The ruling planet is Neptune: Ancient god of the sea; second of the modern planets to be discovered.The symbol: two fishes tied to one another and swimming in opposite directions. Signifying hidden depths, shifting emotional currents,conflicting desires, and extremes of temperament. Pisces is the sign of dreams and mysticism. It's native trust their intuitions and feelings and tend to seek more spirtual values in life. Dominant Keyword: I Believe.

Aries (I am me) Mars (Raw Energy) First House (Self)
Taurus (I have) Venus (Love) Second House (Money, Valuables)
Gemini (I think) Mercury (Intelligence) Third House (Communication, Learning)
Cancer (I feel) Moon (Emotions) Fourth House (Home & Family)
Leo (I will) Sun (Actions, behavior) Fifth House (Creative talents)
Virgo (I analyze) Mercury (Reason, logic) Sixth House (Health & Work)
Libra (I balance) Venus (Harmony) Seventh House (Partnership, Marriage)
Scorpio ( I want) Pluto (Hidden power) Eighth House (Inheritance, Sex, Death)
Sagittarius ( I aim) Jupiter (Blessings) Ninth House (Edcuation, Ideals)
Capricorn (I use) Saturn (Restrictions) Tenth House (Career, Reputation)
Aquarius (I know) Uranus (Freedom) Eleventh House ( Friendships)
Pisces ( I believe) Neptune ( Fantasy) Twelfth House ( Handicaps, Secrets)

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