Aries or not?!

Question: what are the good and bad points of being an aries

Answers: what are the good and bad points of being an aries

aries are very clever people and competitve

we are great in bed but we are short tempered

this is from a book i bought:

Good Aries:
*is a leader
*is energetic
*helps others achieve dreams
*accepts challenges
*will give life for loved ones
*takes risks for others

bad aries:
*must be the boss
*doesnt listen
*poor judge of character
*dislikes authority

Since I have many Aries in my life, I find similar traits: Leadership, Never the first ones to approach another, A little impatient, Seem self-centered (not very true, just appear that way), High self esteem, Loyal to relations, Go-getters.


The Arien has many positive points to his character.People born under this first sign of the Zodiac are often quite strong and enthusiastic.On the whole,they are forward-looking people who are not easily discouraged by temporary setbacks.They know what they want out of life and they go out after it.Their personalities are strong.Others are usually quite impressed by the Arien’s way of doing things.Quite often they are sources of inspiration for
others traveling the same route.Aries men and women have a special zest for life that is often contagious; for others, they are often the example for how life should be lived.
The Aries person usually has a quick and active mind. He is imaginative and inventive.He enjoys keeping busy and active. He generally gets along well with all kinds of people.He is
interested in mankind, as a whole.He likes to be challenged. Some would say he thrives on opposition,for it is when he is set against that he often does his best. Getting over or around obstacles is a challenge he generally enjoys.He likes to keep abreast of new things that are happening in the world.Ariens are often fond of speed. They like things to be done quickly and this sometimes aggravates their slower colleagues and associates.The Aries man or woman always seems to remain young. Their whole approach to life is youthful and optimistic. They never say die, no matter what the odds, They may have an occasional setback, but it is not long before they are back on their feet again.


Everybody has his less positive qualities-and Aries is no exception. Sometimes the Aries man or woman is not very tactful in communication with others; in his hurry to get things done he is apt to be a little callous or inconsiderate. Sensitive people are likely to find him somewhat sharptongued in some situations. Often in his eagerness to achieve his aims, he misses the mark altogether.At times the Arien is too impulsive. He can occasionally be stubborn and refuse to listen to reason. If things do not move quickly enough to suit the Aries man or woman, he is apt to become rather nervous or irritable. The uncultivated Arien is not unfamiliar with moments of doubt and fear. He is capable of being destructive if he does not get his way.He can overcome some of his emotional problems by steadily trying to express himself as he really is, but this requires effort.


As fire can be a fleeting thing, so can be the friendship of a Ram. If you want to call an Aries up for a night on the town, you'll have an exciting companion for the evening -- but don't try to make plans for next week. This Sign needs variety in their friendships. If one group of people can't keep up with their constantly changing interests, they'll move on to new friends. Not that they ever lack for companionship:The Ram is well liked for their edge, so making new friends is never a big problem. Friends are nice, but not exactly necessary for independent Aries, who doesn't need a big group to have fun. When they are in one, though, their competitive nature is liable to get the better of them. Don't try to borrow even a cup of sugar from this one. Ruled by the First House of Self, selfishness can sometimes take the upper hand when it's a choice between people and
possessions. On the other hand, the Ram can be very warm toward their friends. As long as Aries feels that they are the number one friend in your life, you can count on having an exciting, albeit brief, whirlwind of fun.
Best Friend Bets: Gemini, Aquarius


Aries loves the hunt and will do whatever it takes to get the prize they want. The question in their mind will often be whether it's a prize worth keeping. Aries will take risks during the chase and would love the object of their affections to do the same. That give-and-take can keep things more than interesting and going for quite some time. There is no doubt that Aries is seductive and will prove hard to resist. Sparks will fly in this competitive pas de deux, and it's all the better where the Ram is concerned. A mental attraction for impassioned Aries is often the first step and the indicator as to whether things will progress. If things work their way down -- watch out! Once hooked, Aries loves strokes and tender caresses and a lover who will tell them that they are the best.


The demanding and passionate Ram needs an equally self-possessed lover to stimulate them and set them on fire. If not, what's the point? Aries can be fiercely loyal, yet self-centered at the same time, so their partner needs to exhibit confidence and a sense of when to give them the space they need. The occasional bouts of temper exhibited by Aries are best dealt with if they are used as a prelude to a deeper understanding and the sizzle that comes with kissing and making up. Aries will stick with a relationship as long as it's hot (and fireworks are key to this Fire Sign),but if things start to cool down, it won't be long before they hit the road. The ideal Aries soul mate may be someone who is never, ever dull.


Aries is a moving target where love is concerned, always looking, seeking and often finding. It can be very hard to resist the Ram's magnetic charms. The aura surrounding those born under this sign is one of intensity and intrigue, so many will be tempted to step up to the plate.This is exactly what Aries wants: many opportunities to play the game of love. Some things will work, and some won't, but the game is surely fun! The beauty of it all is that Aries flourishes in love,becoming a more sensuous, understanding and feeling soul. As long as Aries remembers how to share, and the beauty of an us, things can go far.


Aries doesn't generally need hearts and flowers to give them a warm and fuzzy glow. What's far more important to members of this sign is to find a partner who is equally strong and selfpossessed and who will challenge them to greater heights, both mental and physical. The person who can draw them out and make them better is a keeper. It also helps if Aries' partner can handle the occasional fiery argument and master the art of making up. Sexual adventurers are also very attractive to the Ram, whether it's acrobatics between the sheets or the art of touching. There's no shortage of libido here! The Aries lover is passionate, adventurous and energetic, loves romance and revels in the art of the chase. Those who can stand the heat will be rewarded with a loyal companion who will take them to greater heights. Life with Aries is never boring, so get ready for the ride of a lifetime!

She thinks the world is watching her through the eye glasses of rose petal frame. She thinks people think and talk about her only about good things and often disappoint to know the fact that they are not true and not even real, so she will feel hurt. She think her path has to be a beautiful one. She think only good things so she prepares and always make arrangement for herself to be in the right path always, quite systematic indeed.

If there is no guy in her life, she will be busy with herself. This seemingly ordinary woman will push herself to meet her goal. Her face mostly will be slim and long, high cheek bone, Eye brow slightly curve up, slight tall more than short, thin lips and she will have quite a confusing or mixture of character.

Sometimes, she will be very careful about guy she will mingle with. She thinks as if she has a main CPU in her head and she could memorize everything from her childhood. When she faces with problems, she will handle them and solving them very well, and at the same time showing other people that she has that capability. She can put her mind in solving problems in crisis better than many other Zodiac. Once she determine to do thing, nothing will stop her.

Woman in this Zodiac could be totally different from one woman to another woman. You could see her in the party dancing like flash dance or dirty dancing, as well you could also see her as an old fashion lady or a geek. She could be someone flashy and wanted by many men, or she could be a cold and non-social person. She will have her own way to win you over. Once she choose you, she will need to be proud of you.

"Love" is not as important to her as "Marriage". Her real goal in life is "Safety" and her position in other people sight need to be "Secure". She plans her life, and socially life easily and very carefully. She is also very artistic and realistic, so if you are a nobody or nothing, no chance because she loves ambition and a good life. She need lots of love, but do not want and do not belief in an occasional or unconventional love.

She is a proud in nature type, so if you see a woman in this Zodiac come from a poor family, she will act like a woman from a noble family by birth anyway (certainly there are always exception). She always look cool even when she is not. She like to make people see her as "secure and confident" even she is a mixed emotion and mixed character type. If she is mad, you can tell right away and she can stay moody for quite a long time.

You never have all her times, for she likes to work hard and also spent some spare times working for charity. You will see woman in this zodiac a "Volunteer" for camp, and if she is in a high society, she will most likely be a president or a V.P. of a "Club". She is a romantic and artistic, but being poor and unstable is certainly not in her dreams. Her beautiful imaginations need to be realistic, for failure is not in her plan.

A Goat always climb high, so either she start from a low point or a high point, she will make sure at the end she will have the best spot. She will not show her ambition, but she will show that she satisfy with herself now. Once you look back she already moved up again , quietly but sure.

If she is your love one, be supportive and understand her. She is stubborn, but she will listen. She will act like a gentle fragile person, but in fact she can stick you down like a super glue without you knowing it.

i am a aries, i am loyal idealist fearless friendly
bad points badtempered, stubborn,

good-i need stimulation all the time. loyal. not into material stuff. i'm not down for long. we can dance all night if you want.
bad-move too fast for many. little bit of a temper. change my mind often. a little too intense for some.

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